
The last place in PGA?

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what is the average score for the last place in PGA tour? -5? How much do they make? is it possible to make a living of that?




  1. You need to make the cut after the first 2 rounds to make a check at a tournament.  Then, you play the last 2 rounds and you get paid where you place.   The final score will depend on each course.

    If you make the cut, you will get a few thousand, but you have food, caddie, hotel, airfare, agent, coach, etc. fees.   If you don't make the cut, then you better have good sponsors to cover your expenses for the week.

  2. if you make the cut on a PGA Tour event usually you make around $10,000 - $12,000 when u finish last depending on the Tournament. if you don't make the cut you dont make any money......

  3. It totally depends on the tournament and the course.  5 under would almost never be last place though.  Last place can also mean 2 things.  After the first 2 rounds they cut the field to the top 70 players.  So everybody else goes home and they don't play rounds 3 and 4 and they don't get paid.

    But if you make the cut and are last place of the guys who made the cut, you still get paid and usually make around $10,000.

    Most guys play about 25 tourneys a year, so if you made every cut (which most don't) and were last place at each event, you could make in the neighborhood of $250,000.  That sounds like a lot, but you have to remember that they have to pay for travel and hotels, cars, food, etc.  The guys that are struggling to make it (like the guys you are asking about) don't get free everything or have private jets like Tiger and Phil and the other top guys.

    So it is possible to make a good living and not be a top guy, but you have to play well.  If you don't make the cut you just spent all that money and a plane ticket, hotel, rental car, caddy, etc and didn't make a dime.

    Go to  or look for the official site for a tournament (Honda Classic, Buick Oepn Bay Hill Invititational, etc.) and you can see the scores for all of the tourneys and you can see what the last place score was and usually how much he made.
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