
The last time i went on a cruise i got really sick. what can i do so that wont happen?

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i dont like dramamine because it makes me sleepy. what can i do?




  1. they have other medications that you should ask a doctor about because u shouldnt let that get in your way of a good time

  2. Call your doctor and request they write you a prescription for the "sea sickness patch" this a commen request and insurance should cover the co-pay for it.

  3. I agree with the person who answered ahead of me.  I am just like you and when I take Dramamine i get really really tired although I dont get sick I would spend half of my vacation in bed!  When I cruise I take Bonine and swear by it.  It works fantastically better than Dramamine without the side effects.  I like to take a pill so I dont have to wear the patch, which i am sure works, but what a hassle, and as far as the wrist band talk about a hassle.  Hope this is helpful to you.  and if you are cruising then have fun and Bon Voyage!

  4. Try the motion-sickness patch

  5. Try Gravol. It works for me all the time.

  6. Here are some ideas that may help:

    One - If you consumed a lot of alcohol on the trip, this can be a cause that contributed to your sickness.  If you refrain from drinking except when at port for several hours, and only have an occasional drink while on land; this can reduce the possibility of you getting sick.

    Two - If you were living on one of the lower levels of the boat, you can feel the water more so than when you are on a top or near the top level of the boat.  It costs more to be higher up on the boat but it could be well worth it.  

    Three - Stay Active!!! While on the boat, make sure that you fill your time with activities that are sponsored by the host cruise line that can be fun, exciting, and so fulfilling that you don't have time to think about getting sick and when you are finished with the activities you are so exhausted that you are ready to sleep and relax for the rest of the night.

    I hope that these ideas may be useful to you.

  7. My dad got something from his doctor called Transderm-V. I think thats the name. Its a small patch you put behind your ear. It comes in a small orange box!

    happy cruising!

  8. You may want to try packing hard ginger candys.

  9. So far good suggestions...another is to have a cabin towards the middle of the ship, that should help.

  10. Bonine is supposed to be good for seasickness.  Also, the bigger the boat is the less likely you will get sick.

  11. Get on a bigger ship. The bigger the ship the better.

  12. Two things have worked very well for me. The scopalomine patch, or papaya enzymes. They come in a chewable tablet similar to vitamin C. You can get them at Trader Joe's very cheaply, or a drug store, or pharmaceutical section. I always take them about fifteen minutes in advance, so they have a chance to get into my system.

  13. There are three popular things you can buy. Those are dramamine, the patch and then the sea band. Since the dramamine made you sleepy, that would give us two. The patch, goes behind your ear and you leave that on for the whole cruise, or once you start having the problems. The sea band is a wristband that just goes around your wrist, you can push on it to apply more pressure, supposedly that helps it work better when it gets really bad.

    The ships usually have these things onboard. But, if you get on a really rocky ship, they can go fast, I always think it is a good idea to bring some just in case the ship doesn't have any onboard.

    I've included a link you may also find helpful.

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