
The last time my boyfriend and I had s*x it hurt?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I but I was wet and it was perfect but it just hurt, I had to stop him. We are both std free and have been going out for almost a year, we are in a committed relationship. What could it be? I know I got a yeast infection that week so could that be the reason?




  1. Yeast infections can make it *very* easy to irritate your v****a (which is already somewhat irritated by the yeast).

    You should *both* be treated for the yeast thing, or you might end up just passing it back and forth over and over again between you.  (Men don't get yeast infections easily, but they do get them.)

  2. it may pain but u will get more pleasure

  3. its depends on the kinda pain that it is yes it could be a yeast infection  but if it continues go to the dr  

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