
The law of attraction and a big black spider?

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so i've been kind of skeptical about this whole law of attraction thing. but this evening before going to sleep i was laying in my bed thinking about it, so i thought to myself "let's try something easy." i thought about spiders, i would try and attract a spider to me. i don't like spiders, but it's summer and they're around so it shouldn't be too hard. about 5-10 minutes later this humungous black spider goes crawling across my bureau. what do you think? the law of attraction or just a coincidence? i would love to hear it. thanks! :)




  1. Jessica Alba..Jessica Alba..Jessica Alba...

    Nope, it doesn't work!

  2. I did the same thing.It's summer and lightening bugs are around.I thought of them and there they were.Funny thing,mosquitoes showed up even though I wasn't thinking of them.

  3. Law of Attraction does not exist.

    It's a shame to see people still being so gullible in 2008.

    It's been disproven.

    it's coincidence.

    as you said "there around so it shouldnt be hard".

    yes they were there, selective awareness is what your thinking of.

    try this: watch the road, think of manifesting white cars.

    what will happen? your mind will register the white cars and subjectively dismiss the "misses" (all the other cars who's not white).

    If law of attraction were true, YOU and ONLY you are God.

    Noone else exist, your all alone in the universe (your own mind) playing games with yourself.

    This is a philosophical stand point that will put you in a mental hospital.

    I suggest stop reading pseudophilosophy and if you want to achieve your dreams, GO FOR IT.

    Be positive.

    Work hard.

    Only thing that ever worked

  4. Chance favors the prepared mind. The reason you

    chose the spider as your object to manifest (rather than

    a Brad Pit lookalike) is that you likely either have had

    spiders recently, or there was some visual clue that you

    unconsciously picked up that told you there was a spider

    there. (Next time, try for Brad Pitt.)

  5. Coincidence of course, and plus because you were thinking of spiders you would be more likely to notice one. He's probably been living in your drawers for weeks.

  6. Keep trying it on other works...and it's pretty mind blowing....

  7. It does not matter.

    Nor does what anybody on this site says.

    Start using the law of attraction daily and see for yourself if it works for you.

  8. Follow your instinct on this one.  The "law of attraction" is complete nonsense.  It's nothing more than confirmation bias.  If I want a, b, c, d, e, f g and I get a, f, g then it works, right?  Wrong.  What about the rest?  The "law of attraction" (which isn't a law by any definition of the word) would say I get a, f and g because of the law, but I don't get b, c, d, and e because I just didn't want it bad enough.  How convenient.  Do you see the problem with this scenario?

  9. i was skeptical too, until actually a couple of days ago. I wanted to get this certain look I saw on a lady in a picture. You know a picture in the magazine. So, I was going to dye my hair her color, which is a darker blonde. Anyways, she was wearing a black shirt in the picture, that looked really good. I had a party coming up and wanted to buy a cute outfit but couldnt because it ends up my car wouldnt start to go to the mall that day, and it was already late and i wouldnt make it if i called for a ride. wouldnt have enough time to shop. Anyways the morning of the party i made my friend take me early in the morning. I bought a really cute black shirt. When I wore it to the party my other friend went omg! u look so much like the girl from the pic. Turns out i was wearing the practically the same color shirt! Also, I didnt dye my hair but it appeared almost identical to her hair color! it had darkened despite the fact ive been a lot in the sun lately, and my blonde hair always get lighter when i do that.It was so weird because i havent seen the picture in months. i dont know if i subconciously thought that shirt was the one in the pic, but i wasnt concious when i picked it! Also, if my car didnt break down i wouldve gone to the mall and bought another shirt, that morning i didnt have time to go to the mall i had to go to another nearby store, that was really cheap, and i found the one of a kind shirt that looked almost identical to the pic!

  10. Meg you must tell me what all this means.Something like this happened to me once.I woke up one night with a big black spider sitting between my fingers.It never moved or bitt me i just looked at it for 20 seconds with out moving my hand and just flung it off.Then i killed it.

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