
The lead singer of coldplay?

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Why does the lead singer of coldplay usually have neon colored bandaids on his fingers? Where do you get neon colored bandaids?




  1. That's just his style. He also has similar colors on taped to his microphones, and tied as bandanas to his clothes. He has a colorful spirit as well. =)

    Edit: the answer before me just killed everyone else's answers. I guess he's right. Oh well, if you want to rock the style, go ahead. It's still cool.

  2. how about you ask him ? and the swap meet, flea market lol

  3. I don't know, but he is a great singer

  4. You can buy them at the store, in the first aid aisle.

    I bet he rips the skin from his fingers. Ow.

    Or he wants to make a fashion statement.

    I have those kind of bandaids. They're rad.

  5. A drug store. They are meant for kids

    ***WTF? you DO get them in drug stores....and they ARE meant for kids! not my fault the guy's a freak

  6. walgreens.. he's retarded I think

  7. He probably thinks he thinks cool or nice with them, but their usually meant for kids who like "Shiny" stuff. lol. You can get them at any Drug Store.  

  8. They're probably from London since thats where they're from. If not, then try any super market stores, they most likely should have them.

  9. Chris Martin

  10. I'm guessing your local pharmacy.

  11. target or CVS

    and that's like saying "how come nelly wears a bandaid on his cheek?"

    no one really knows why

  12. because he's cool like that!


  13. it's a probably a style 4 the band.

    u can get them at target, walmart, walgreens,etc.

  14. well first of all, he doesnt have them on his fingers anymore

    second, when he did have them, he used them because he wanted to 'advertise' his album at the time, X&Y whose album cover has the same colours

    third of all, they arent bandaids, its electrical tape

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