
The leader of the Muslim Council of England has today said that?

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Islam is not the greatest threat to England.

Fair enough.

And that we are treating them as n**i's treated ppl.


Was there no one with a brain who could have appeared on tv for them today?

I'm not sure how much this guy helped his own cause.




  1. Natty is Ratty . It is us who should be accusing you with the words you use.

  2. but he has kinda helped ours....

  3. Well the fact is that not all Muslims are terrorists but all the terrorists have been Muslims. So if Muslims don't like to be picked on then they should think of moving to an Islamic country where values like forced marriages, the sick murder of family members and walking around like Darth Vader are appreciated.

  4. Natty ... so basically there is no point being nice to you whites anymore. F#$# off t@t

    Oh i see, so the you are against, all "whites" hmmmm.

  5. Natty, if you don't want to be nice to whites perhaps it is time you moved to another country? Syria is nice this time of year.

  6. I think we should get rid of all Muslims so the UK can get back to what it was, A GREAT COUNTRY. It is now a charity shop for immigrants and lazy religious fanatics.

  7. That's a good one: treating them as n***s treated people!

    Muslims comprised one of the biggest Divisions in the n**i SS.

    The "Scimitar" Division !

    BTW who the Heck elected this Muslim Council?

    There's also some Berk called Siddiqui who claims to be Leader ot the Muslim Parliament!

    They just make up these titles as they go along!

    Here's a bit of advice: if you want to be accepted then you'd better start Luurving them Jews and Poofs! And you'd better start telling the 12% of Muslim g**s to come out of the closet before Peter Tatchell "outs" them.

  8. They say that we are second class citizens. they treat women like we treat our dogs. they preach poisonous hatred in the streets and recruit children into their murderous loathsome racism. they blow innocent people to bits and where ever they are in the world there is bitterness hatred and conflict....and they call us! n***s????? come the day when we will throw the bloody lot of them out of our country by force.

  9. Well I am Muslim living in this country, look around how much hatred there is for me and my kind, we try to be nice and get hatred, we ask honest question and get hatred, so basically there is no point being nice to you whites anymore. F#$# off t@t

  10. Would the Muslim council of Britain wants us to accept their ways and for all of us to become Muslims, yes i think they would, this would be acceptable if we were living in their country, but as they are living in ours, then its up to them to adopt our ways and our way of life. If the whole of Britain was to convert to Islam would this stop all the hatred felt on both sides ? i doubt that too as Muslim is still killing Muslim in Afghanistan, Iraq and all a lot of other countries where Islam is the predominate faith. Lets face it, religion is used to justify peoples greed for power and money and nothing else, maybe religion should be banned, then we would see the true colours of these power hungry people.

  11. people get tarred by the same brush no matter their ethnic origin it`s mainly the media showing a group of people doing wrong and straight away every body is the same. rubbish there`s good and bad in every  peoples life no matter what religion or country they come from enough is enough we should all live together in peace and harmony.

  12. Natty, I think people just hate you because you are a beeatch.

    Why not go back to Pakistan, so you don't have to be with all these slimey white people?

    Natty, I want you to think about this: If thousands of English people started moving to Pakistan opening up Anglican Churchs, discos/pubs and g*y clubs, generally being Brits, on top of that they spent all their time complaining about how much they don't like Pakistanis.... how welcoming do you think the locals would be?

    So maybe you should think twice about how you look at your English neighbors, because I would say we here in the west are a h**l of a lot more accepting and welcoming than anywhere else.... think on it

  13. Probably all BLOWN UP out of proportion!!!

  14. Is Natty still here - arguably one of the most racist people on YA.

    I know what you mean about them not helping their cause!!

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