
The lightbulb is stuck in the socket, and I can't get it out!!?

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So my boyfriend broke the bulb, but now the silver base is stuck in the socket. How do I get it out? I'm so frustrated, I just feel like replacing the whole blasted light fixture!! SERENITY NOW! HELP!!




  1. turn off the circut breaker to the light and then break the glass on the bulb.  when this is done, get a potatoe, cut it in half and stick the flat end to the fixture.  twist and you'll get the bulb out. safe easy and effective

  2. TURN THE SWITCH OFF take a potato cut off part of the end (less than half)  shove the big half straight into the remaining part of the lightbulb then turn the potato just like you would to change a dead light bulb but make sure you have the switch off because potatos are conductive and if the switch is on you could get electrocuted be careful and good luck.

  3. 1. Turn off the electricity.

    2. Wear gloves to protect your hands

    3. Wear goggles to keep any tiny slivers of glass from falling in your eyes

    4. Put the point of needlenose pliers inside the broken bulb base

    5. Using both hands (one on each handle), open the pliers so that the points press against the INSIDE of the metal base of the broken bulb

    6. While keeping the pressure on the open pliers, twist them so that the bulb base turns inside the socket

    7. Repeat step 6 until the base comes out.

  4. two pairs of needlenose pliers one on each side and finess

  5. make sure the fixture is unplugged or if it's a celling bulb make sure the switch is turned off.

    place a dry dishtowel over the top handle off a broom.

    hold the broom handle near the bottom while placing the dishtowel and broom handle into the broken bulb, push up hard on the broom handle and the dishtowel and turn the broken socket counter clockwise to get that piece out.

    neither wood nor the dishtowel will conduct any electricity, so you shouldn't have to worry about getting a shock.

    good luck to ya

  6. shut if off cut a potatoe in half push it on  and rotate it will come off.

  7. Turn the light swicth off and use a potato.

  8. Cover the light bulb with a large, thick towel or cloth, and tap it gently to break the glass.

    A burlap sack works best for this.

    The pole will fit nicely into the medium s***w base.

    Unscrew the base from the socket -- the socket should stick to the pole.

    TipsIf the above fails, an insulated pair of pliers is great for standard sockets. Just take extra care not to damage the socket itself.

    Alternatively, you can use a potato cut in half. Leave some of the broken glass on the bulb, press the potato against the glass (the "meat" side) and turn. The end of a carrot will also work.

  9. Turn the power off cut a potato in half jam it on and s***w it out. If you are relay brave you can use another light bulb. Just jam the part that screws in on the part that is stuck and back it out.

  10. turn off the electric at the fuse box, then take a bar of soap and  get it in the socket, turn the bar of soap and the socket should come out with it.

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