
The lightning should not of fired john tortarella?

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the guy took the tampa bay lighting.......THE TAMPA BAY LIGHTING to the stanley cup.




  1. The guy had Modin, Fedotenko, and Khabibulin at their best, and Lecavalier, Prospal, Richards, Boyle, and St. Louis.  So yeah, he can take a team like that to the Cup.

    The team has gone downhill, and so has he.  He had Lecavalier, Prospal, St. Louis, Richards, and Boyle all on his team at one point, Hart Trophy and Richard Trophy winners, and he couldn't lead the team.  True the Lightning have a bad defense, but with fire power like that, a team doesn't come in dead last.

  2. Psh,more like the Bulin wall took them to the cup,the rest of the team just helped him.LOL

  3. That's true they were the best under him a few years ago, but this past season they were the worst.  And as we all know you judge a coach on the last 20 games not the first.

  4. It's more like NO other team should hire him

  5. yeah, but id rather have milbury or melrose over torterella anyday

  6. A temperamental coach has a shelf life. He did give the team focus and an identity, but the players have tuned him out as of late.

    The tweaking that used to get results ended in animosity. Even if the new ownership was inclined to keep him, that kind of luggage would be hard to negotiate for any length of time.

    Melrose has strong friendships within the new ownership group and is a near lock to get the job if/when the board votes to accept the new owners on the 18th.

    He'll bring energy of his own to the formula and we'll soon find out if the game has passed him by or not. My guess is that he'll do well. The team has the horses and motivation to ice an entertaining product and I think this will be a fun team to watch.

    Prospal will be back, too, now that Torts is gone.

  7. Winning that first overall draft pick will do that to you.

    Feaster had to fire somebody and it was left up to two things, "him or me?"

  8. what's done is done. go cry in your bacardi.

    if Ron Wilson (who was the coach in San Jose) is available try getting him.

    or maybe Paul Maurice, when the Leafs' coach he spent much of his winters, springs, summers and falls in Florida anyway, on the golf course.

  9. Yes they should have. Thats 4 years with no results after the CUP> probably too long to begin with. He has lost the team and since the lockout he hasnt been able to adjust to the rules with the players he does have. Whoever ends up with him wil not be happy. If he ends up in the WEST, he will get eaten alive by many teams he plays against as he is not a defensive minded coach and the WEST has the best defensive teams in the league. Which means quite simply, not only will his team not score, they will get scored on in bunches.

  10. ...and did you happen to see what happened to the team AFTER they won the cup?

    The sports world is a "what have you done for me lately" business.

  11. Maybe not.Are they going to hire Kevin Dineen?

    Seems like a Cup win is not job security after all.

    The Denis for Modin and Noreena deal didnt help either.

    Not that He had any say on that one.Ill miss Torts He was a

    great guy

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