
The literati rooms are discriminating against me by barring me literally from entering all lierati games why?

by  |  earlier

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barred from every literati room, message comes on screen stating that and a date, except the date goes and another date replaces it, making it impossible for me to play literati why and can someone do something to stop this blatant discrimination for no reason




  1. I cannot see how this relates to discrimination.  Is it possible that you did something in one of the rooms that was against the guidelines and was barred.  One owner can have several chat rooms and can bar you from one or all of them for any reason or no reason at all. This is not called discrimination.

    Discrimination is being treated differently because of race, color, national origin, s*x, age, religion or disability.

    If you are unhappy with Yahoo literati groups, you can try MSN Groups or Google groups and see if you like them.

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