
The little girl next door keeps coming over and i dont think her parents care?

by Guest59989  |  earlier

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or atleast they dont notice shouldnt they keep a better eye on her shes only like 5

I dont have any kids

and earlier today she came and knocked on our door while it is closed and locked and when we didnt immediately answer she tried to open it. shouldnt they teach her about strangers or something, she or the parents dont know us, we moved in here only about four months ago. her brother who is about12 or 14 is the one who mostly looks out for her. and from what Ive seen he is a little trouble maker, throwing berries at our home. It worries me they have a big 5 foot deep or so pool in there back yard , and also there a creek that runs behind our homes, I would hate for her to fall in.

should I call authorities or what?





  1. defiantely let police kno

  2. Well, why don't you talk with the mother first and tell her about your worries about HER little daughter. maybe as you mentioned they don't even Know what she is doing. just let her know as an advice not as a complain because you will have them as neighbors for long.

  3. Can you talk to her parents?

  4. The kids havent been brought up propley, they seem like ferals, ring the welfare.

  5. The next time she does that, take her home and tell her parents what happened. Explain to them that this has happened several times since you moved in, and you would appreciate if it didn't happen again. You may also want to mention their son throwing berries at your house. Give them a fair warning. If it happens again, call the police. It's a shame that they don't pay attention to their kids.

  6. Um, talk about crappy parents. I've seen several parents who let their kids do this. It's really sad. You can only imagine the kind of issues that family must have that this little girl is looking for companionship from an adult next door.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you have much cause to call the authorities. You can definitely call CPS and tell them what's going on, and they'll determine whether they should send someone out to the house or not.

  7. well, first i would look into the situation more before I call the authorities. but there are some major red flags: *her parents obviously dont care enough about them to teach them manners

    *they obviously dont care enough to teach her about strangers

    *they obviously are not looking after her enough!

    *she is obviously not getting enough attention or love if she comes running to a complete stranger

    I am in no place to judge, I just think that maybe you should talk more to her family ect. and kind of see what you find. If they are just over worked and stressed, and the kids just like you and have been hanging around bad influences for the manners part, then dont, but if they seem neglectful maybe into drugs, ect. you should maybe call the authorities BUT if her parents really arent fit, make sure you know she wont just be dumped in some orphanage!

    p.s. also try to talk to the little girl about her home life. little kids are sometimes the most innocent and honest among us! hope this helps and good luck!

  8. Unfortunately there is no pre-test required for parents to pass before they bring children into this world to raise... so many of them do a poor job. You can try calling or talking to her parents about your concerns - her wandering/lack of "stranger danger", the son's behavior, etc. - but the odds are that if they're letting their five year old wander unsupervised, they won't care. If that doesn't do anything, it might be wise to get CPS involved. At the least it will put a little fear into the parents, and if there is something going on in the home that is scaring the child enough that she keeps escaping to your home for safety, it will remove her from that situation. Good luck!

  9. We had a neighbor like that...their 18 month old girl would "wander" 5 blocks down the road in nothing but a diaper that was so full it was hanging around her ankles, eventually someone would bring her back, but yeah, the parents didn't seem to care.  Many states have laws regarding child endangerment, and that includes at what age your child can be outside unsupervised.  If you are worried, then you can always make an anonymous report to Child Protective Services in your area.  If nothing else, they will educate the parents and let them know the laws.

  10. yeah talk to mom and dad first then if they give you attitude, call the Child Protect Services.

    Note all times that you see the kids out being "wild" or "unattended". Ask where mommy is too so you know for cps. Try to catch big brother throwing berries at your house too on video or something so you have that as prove too. It may not be illegal to throw them but it is disrespect and the parents need to know about it.

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