
The london eye ??????

by  |  earlier

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when you pay to go on the london eye, how long do you stay init for, like a capsule ?





  1. 30 mins

    dont even bother though

  2. It is 30 minutes... I see many people saying it is boring.  On the contrary, go at twilight and you will see London begin  to light up.  I thought it was fabulous.

  3. It actually varies a little but will be about 30-45 mins. Usually it will be about the 30 minute mark.

  4. About half an hour or an hour. But at the end be prepared to get your picture taken (lol) i was racing around cuz i didnt know that it took your picture for you to buy,


  5. 15mins MAX!!!

  6. I think it is 30 minutes' ride

    have fun

  7. too long oh my it's boring

  8. About 20 mins. Honestly, I think some touristy things but I found it a giant waste of money. It was really expensive for something that was just 'alright'.

  9. i beleive it takes about an hour to go all the way around

  10. From the London Eye website:

    Take a approximately 30 minute gradual flight in one of the 32 high-tech glass capsules and enjoy the skyline at your leisure.

  11. Half an hour to go round  

  12. The journey ("flight") takes about 20 minutes, plus you'll need to wait about 20 minutes before you can actually get on it.

    I did it earlier this year... really recommend it.

  13. about half an hour i think. i think its great. you get a great view so if youo on then make sure you tke a camera. i did.

    oh and they take a picture of you so be ready and make sure you smile! :D

  14. You are in it for one rotation which takes about 30 mins.

  15. 17min and 36 sec, it was very riveting

  16. It thought it was more like 30-40 min.

    well good!

  17. 30 minutes tops! we got stopped a couple times so it ended up being about 36. but you can call and make ticket reservations for certain times, the best time to go is about 9 at night!!! the lights go on and all the city lights up, it's beautiful!  

  18. t is like 15 minutes, last time i was in it it was like 15 minutes

  19. it's about 15 - 20 minutes.  Definately worth every second though.
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