
The mac commercials true??

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does vista really have that many problems??




  1. Yes it dose and Mac have problems but they don't tell you that... do a search on hear for the mac problems...  

  2. No. They're adverts. They're ridiculously biased on the side of macs and don't have a second side to any argument, as they should be in order to sell Macs.

    The main problem with vista is it's pointless to upgrade from XP, when XP has everything you need already.

    I would like to see Apple release a brand new operating system and have it completely up to scratch after a year. Their latest update screwed up macs world wide, and that was just a 10.5.x change.

    Oh, and talking about peripherals, Mac Mice and Keyboards are ridiculously impractical.

  3. THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION. I have both MAC Leopard and Windows Vista. Neither one is "perfect". I wouldn't take that MAC commercial seriously. In fact, like most commercials, you should never really believe them religiously.  I find MAC to be a high performer at home entertainment (music and video downloading, editing, etc). But when it comes to web browsing, gaming, "office work", using "third party" software, Windows Vista (and the older XP to some extent) are the clear winners in my opinion.  

  4. Vista really does have problems, and there are lots of programs that don't support it yet. I am a hard core mac user, but even I have to admit that Macs have their shortcomings as well. Until recently, Macs were called the "artsy" and "fun" computers, good if you wanted to do fun stuff, but not good for anything serious. However, with software like iWork, that is no longer true. Macs are better for almost everything except hard core gaming. This is mainly because most gaming software doesn't support Mac OS.

    Mac shortcomings:

    Programs still unexpectedly quit, but it's much easier to deal with than on a Windows computer. You still have to run some Windows programs on Macs, but that's changing too. There are suites like NeoOffice that are geared exclusively towards Macs. I find Macs easier to use in general. They are, however, very visual, and are not good for people with bad eyesight or uncorrected vision problems.

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