
The main reason for so many species in Hawaii being listed as endangered is?

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a. human development kills them

b. human development destrotys habitat

c. too many predators

d. not enough food




  1. None of the above- it's primarily about bureaucrats amassing more power.  If an "endangered" species takes up residence on your property the regulators can prevent you from doing anything on your own land.

  2. In order to provide protection for  declining and small populations, environmentalists have been seeking and getting endangered species status.

    People who have been attempting to exterminate these populations find the idea that they must protect these populations an infringement on their property rights.

    The property owners should have a right to sell their property, and leave the endangered species alone.

  3. Actually, it's because when the life there was developing, Hawaii was extremely isolated by hundreds of miles of water on all sides, and it has extremely fertile ground due to it being actively volcanic.  Hawaii also has a moderate temperature year round - It doesn't usually get above 100 degrees or below 65 degrees. This allowed a lot of what would be very fragile creatures elsewhere to flourish, because the conditions are so temperate.

    Now we have humans flocking to Hawaii, bringing with them foreign predators, pollution, and land development.  A lot of the local wildlife or plantlife can't handle it, because it's used to pure air and being undisturbed.  It's not as simple as putting it in a multiple question answer - Hawaii's indigenous life is very fragile, and it's a popular place to vacation, so we'll continue to have a lot of endangered species there.

  4. All of those.  I don't see invasive species, which is a major problem there as well. President Bush has made enforcement of the endangered species act next to impossible. He has thrown up hurdle after hurdle to block the enforcement of the law, just as he has with the clean air act and the clean water act. He says he needs "more time to study" the issue, as if he knew anything about it! As always, he is proceeding against the advice of the scientists, and taking care of his low brow PAC's. I think this time when he says "more time" it means until he is out of Washington. He reversed himself last year about Global Warming after all the people who had wanted him to fight corrective action changed their minds.   The law on this is poorly designed and causes many problems for the landowners.  It becomes a matter of having a big enough lobby to jump through the hoops and navigate the minefield it takes to get something on the list.  Even the polar bear effort is effectively stonewalled at present.The fact is species are going extinct at a rate of 3/hour so it only makes a big difference in a few cases.

  5. all partially

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