
The mark on my arm is burning everyday and everyday it gets more thin?

by  |  earlier

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It bleeds on and off and everyday it seems to get thinner and thinner in the skin. Its a tiny spot , that I dont think spreads. It burns it burns . Not too bad but it stings and the skin keeps getting thinner and thinner there. I tried to save the life of a dying toad, who my brother swore was in a bird fight it had blood out its eyes and I wanted to help it. So I touched it , watched my hands but now this. NEVER AGAIN I love frogs, toads but this is the first time I got something like this.

Its a mark that constantly stings, and I did not get burned at first it looked like a burn, then it looked like a ring of blood around a blister now it looks like a small hole of flesh in my arm . Very thinly layered whole but still I am a bit concerned as these changes happen day to day.

Its red all over , skin layers It doesnt really hurt to touch but its like a small acidic feeling where it burns , stings . For the past few days now.




  1. I don't know about any North American Toads.  Having said

    that !  you must get yourself to a good Doctor and make sure

    he passes you on to a Specialist (Skin Specialist) .  You may

    think it is annoying and also really not much.   But something

    is happening and you are smart enough to have noted that for

    yourself ! ?

    So, what is the problem ? ...... the answer you are looking for

    is inside a tube at a lab , you know, these things have to be

    determined through elimination of what it might be.   Which we

    on a computer cannot conduct clinical tests .

  2. PLEASE!!! See a doctor!! Yahoo members are not capable of making a diagnosis in this kind of medical situation.  

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