
The marriage has a 3rd wheel =[?

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when i was 13 my step uncle messed with me (b/c i LET him) whole family knows...(but they dont kno that i let him) that im 18 i can b around him again.....

(but he hadnt talked 2 me since i was 13 till a few days ago)

WELL.....i moved out of my moms place and moved in with a friend of my aunts....but i ended up making out with her son thats under age....she didnt call the cops but i got kicked im staying with my step uncle and my aunt...

my aunt left me alone with him for the 1st time 2days ago b/c she had 2 work and he was off of work.

so i decided 2 talk 2 him about what happened when i was 13 and everything,he told me 2 set bside him and watch a movie but i told him that idk b/c my aunt doesnt even want us in the same room....BUT..

i sat back anyway and made sure there was room between us.......well about 5mins later he put his arm around me and said "so she doesnt want us this close" and i told him that he didnt.......but he kept his arm around me.....then a few mins later he said "this is what u really want isnt it"? and he tried 2 kiss me.....i told him we couldnt then he kissed my cheek...then he got up 2 get something 2 drink...then afew mins later we started making out...(he knew what he was doing b/c i stopped him anf asked him if he knew what he was doin....)...(more then what we didnt when i was 13)(but we would stop a few times b/c my aunt called at least twice)

she has NO idea about all....then this morning she told me she got "lucky" with him this morning b4 they got i feel just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick

2 make all of this worse he told m 2 keep sthing 4m my aunt and i told her about it....she already knew about it thats what i dont get....

she told me that she was goin 2 leave him and so i can have him...BUT, she still doesnt kno about what happened........

(he told her b4 i turned 18 he wanted 2 make the marriage work......but now me and him BOTH have secrets........i've been falling 4 him since i was 13)




  1. time to move out and stay away from this man.

    I don't care if you were "willing" when you were 13.  you were the child and he was the adult and often times molestation victims will say in their minds that they were willing as a way of dealing with betrayal and abuse by the adult.  It's another type of self blame.

    The fact that you then went on to molest a minor yourself as an adult and then re-enter into a "relationship" with your molester, shows how out of touch with reality you are in this matter.

    Seriously, for your own sanity--GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE.   You have a seriously skewed sense of what is normal.  Please get therapy before the next child you molest is your own.

  2. You need to learn something called "self control" and what it means and how to use it.

    You should feel sick and I hope you eventually get what you deserve.

  3. You have a real problem,, you get kicked out of one house for making out with an underage boy,, you Let your uncle do things to you,, The problem is you are just too easy and apparently you want to be this way,, You really need help..  Don't try putting this on your step-uncle, if you did not want this to happen then  it wouldn't have happened.. You are sending out signals that you really want this. And you are getting what you want..  No one is to blame her except you,,,  get help

  4. sounds like some b rated porno script

  5. this is a jerry springer show waiting to happen.  you need to grow up and take responsibility for yourself and your actions.  quit blaming other people for what you do and allow to be done.  get some help.

  6. call steve wilkos

  7. You are a very sick person and need to get some help! Your uncle come on, what is wrong with you?  

  8. I cannot believe I actually read all of this.

    This is some sick S H I T.

    Your whole family is whacked.

    You all need counseling.

  9. Your step-uncle is a pedophile and should have been arrested when you were 13, instead looks like the family did nothing about it.  You needed counseling and obviously never got it, because you are not only repeating the same destructive behavior, but actually moved in to the home where he is and let him continue to impose his sick sexual behavior with you.  I know there are other things going on beside what you wrote here in answers.  You cant even see that any all and every line has been crossed.  But the scariest part about all this is the fact that your aunt told you she had s*x with her husband and you got sooooooo jealous sick.  You cant see your child molester for who he is.  PLEASE GET OUT THAT HOUSE LOOK INTO SOME SERIOUS MENTAL HEALTH, BECAUSE YOU NEED IT.  THERE IS NOTHING ATTRACTIVE ABOUT A MAN WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN SOME KIND OF ROLE MODEL TURNING HIS SICK SEXUAL DEVIANCE ON A CONFUSED 13 YEAR OLD AND MESSING UP A WHOLE FAMILY.  HE DESERVES TO HAVE THE SH-T BEAT OUT OF HIM IF NOT WORSE.

  10. I hear Jerry Springer calling..You are now 18, YOU can stop this.

  11. For an 18 year old, your writing skills and the ability to express yourself are more like a 13 year old.

    I question your mental and emotional maturity.

    You don't exercise good judgement skills, and you are more than too willing to hike up your skirt with underage kids, and people in your own family.

    With the path you are on, you are either going to end up in the p**n industry, a stripper, a prostitute, in and out of jail, and having the c**p beat out of you.

    You need to get a skill in something and move away.

    Whether you go on to community college, hair dresser college.

    Just something that will give you the skills to land a job to get away from your hometown and make it on your own.

  12. maybe people should read the questions in the past that you have asked. You are sick and I hope to god you are making this all up. Apparently it wasnt bad enough with you and the 13 yr old boy but now you need to be messing with your uncle. Get help!

  13. So, basically you are getting it on with a family member, the husband of your aunt who is soooo nice to give you a second chance, and to let you stay with her when you had no where else to go, and you messed with a minor, and ruined a friendship in the process... do you even see the road you are going down?  Back up, get a job, go to school, do something constructive with your life instead of ruining peoples marriages.  

  14. This is need to get out of there.  How old is this step uncle?

  15. Time to move somewhere else dear.  Its just not right.

  16. This is just sick....

    And he deserves to be shot.

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