
The mattresses in 2 bedrooms smell very musty.?

by  |  earlier

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we live near the water, don't have air conditioning and not much air movement in bdrms.




  1. UK Oldie has some great suggestions. I would just add that if the air doesn't circulate well in the bedrooms you might want to consider purchasing fans to help with that. Ceiling fans would probably be ideal and you can get them reasonably priced. That way, once you alleviate the problem with the smell through whichever method you choose, you can hopefully avoid the problem again down the road.

    Good luck to you!

  2. A humid environment will cause this, the only way would be to have the windows open on a nice breezy day and allow fresh air to come in the rooms , when you strip the beds down  leave the mattresses exposed for most of the day you can sprinkle some baking soda on them  and vacuum before spraying them with Lysol;

  3. Buy new mattresses.

  4. You could try taking them off their bases and leaning them up against a wall or wardrobe - letting maximum air circulate around them.

    Spray with fabric spray - or even an air conditioner - to freshen them up a little.

    Aromatherapy oil burners in the rooms would also help.

    I appreciate this is possibly only masking the problem - you could buy/borrow a dehumidifier to remove any possible dampness from the environment.

    The only other thing I can think of is to replace - but even this is not a long-term solution.

    Hope this helps.

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