
The max pressure on my bike is 70 psi or 5 many psi or bars should i fill it up to then??

by  |  earlier

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for commuting, mountain bike with "slicks" on for the summer




  1. Ideally for road riding, your tires should be pretty close to the max so you will have the least amount of rolling resistance and a lower chance of puncture (due to glass, etc not sticking to the tire).  A lower tire pressure will give you a little bit more comfort and control by absorbing the bumps in the road, but can also lead to "pinch flats" if you have the pressure too low.  Generally I ride my mountain bike slicks around 65 psi on the road.  If you have some dirt or gravel along the way as part of your commute, you may want to lower the pressure a little, but I would say no lower than 50-55 psi.

  2. 70psi never fill pass what the tire holds because it will pop due to the pressure I know from doing it if you put less than 70psi you are asking for a pinch in which the tire will pop to hope this helps

  3. umm them pepsis are eckwal tu them barz like 1 tyme i gots drunks at a barz I rekon that them bickiles are two drn terknolajikal fer us foke hey iz got an ideeer giv me tein points

  4. Its a personal preference, but I've found that a few pounds under the max is a good compromise.   On my mountain bike, the max pressure was listed at 65 and I found 58 to be perfect for pavement.   On my roadie, the max is 110, but I rarely go above 90.   Pumping them all the way up to the max will give you a harsher ride than something less........... I'd bet that 62 psi would be about right.

  5. Provided you are mainly riding tarmac, -your tyres and tubes are in good condition, -  then you will be just as well to inflate them near to the Max (as you say, 5bar or 70psi).

    No worries.


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