
The mccanns;why not settle this now and question them with sodium pentathol

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some of you say they have'nt been charged,what's that got to do with it,if they have nothing to hide they would take it willingly to absolve themselves from any wrongdoing




  1. It is settled,  time to move on.


    Do yourself a favour. Look at that link.

  3. what is that??

  4. Would that method of interrogation fall under the heading of torture by any chance?

  5. Lets waterboard their asses. They will talk then. Im willing to bet they would be pointing the fingers at each other in seconds.  

  6. Why can't Casey Anthony do the same?

    Because they lie so much they don't know what the truth is when it comes down to it.

    It's a sad world we live in when you don't do everything you can to protect your own child!

  7. It is a popular misconception that sodium thiopental is the ultimate truth serum. In reality, it is highly unreliable! Personally though, i feel they should take the polygraph of lie detector and prove themselves that they are innocent at least to shut the wagging tongues.

  8. Well, if it was me and I was innocent, I would ASK for the sodium pentathol, I would ASK for the lie detector test, and in fact I would do ANYthing that I thought would help to prove my innocence.  That way, the PJ could then get on with the job of finding the real culprits and, more to the point, finding my child.

    On the other hand, if I was guilty ....... I would avoid both tests like the plague.

  9. Kate would refuse probably citing some human right of hers. Shame Maddy wasn't advocated the same rights.  

  10. It's illegal. Only the CIA (and other secret services) use it as far as I know.

  11. Kate would refuse on the grounds it would more than likely incriminate her....lololololol......

  12. There is nothing to settle as they have not been charged with any crime.

    They have not been charged with any crime because the investigation produced no evidence that they had committed a crime.

    The fact that many of the posters choose to believe otherwise has no validity in law.

  13. As a soldier of fortune, why not use torture. After all you have an open mind and inside information - or would that be Daily rags?

  14. Well, there's plenty of obvious objections to that, but the main one would be that it doesn't work.

  15. I doubt anything will work on them two.  

  16. i agree with f***y froggat it does look very much like her

  17. Because lets be fair the evidence against them was ropey at best. Good principal though, I say we start on everyone at the resort and work out from there. Also do the police to see who they were taking bribes from, more of an interesting side line.

  18. I never realised just how many spitefull, viscios,narrow minded users there are on here. I thank God none of these are real friends as with friends like these who needs enemies.Just look at some of these answers for proof   Yea loads of thumbs down but who cares.

  19. Hmmm...good point.

    But I think, as the law stands, they cannot force someone to do a lie detector..

    I could be wrong of course.

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