
The meaning of a dream?

by Guest55724  |  earlier

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I dreamed my mom was getting married recently...what does it mean?




  1. To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

    To see a marriage in your dream, signifies commitment, harmony or transitional period. You are undergoing an important developmental phase in your life. The dream may also represent the unification of formerly separate or opposite aspects of yourself. In particular, it is the union of masculine or feminine aspects of yourself. Consider the qualities and characteristics of the person that you are marrying. These are the qualities that you need to look at incorporating within yourself.

    Love & Blessings


  2. Dreams are suppressed ambitions of a man which is never accomplish.

  3. dreams i believe are psychological thoughts working over a time when your in a deep state of relaxation.

    you might have had a chat with your mum or someone about weddings or know your mum wants to get married and dreamt about this when you went to sleep.

    which is why people get nightmares after watching horror movies.

    if i was you i wouldnt think to much of it. if it happens then congrats but i wouldnt place my bets on it.

    p.s this is the wrong section to ask its HOROSCOPES

  4. it means you feel like your mom is being taken away from you. maybe your siblings are hogging her too much.

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