
The meaning of museums/galleries

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what's the meaning of building a museum/gallaries?for what?is it educational?entertainment?we can see all the items via internet,so is it worthy to spend money on them?




  1. Looking at a painting on your monitor, and actually seeing it right in front of you are two totally different experiences. One doesn't even compare to the other. Seeing a great work of art with your own two eyes can move you, and invoke deep emotions. That kind of magic is lost on your computer screen. Go to a museum. You'll see what I mean.    

  2. When I was a senior in high school, the Louvre sent a collection on tour.  I went with my French Club to the Nelson Art Gallery in Kansas City, and struck out on my own, as the group was barely moving.  At the top of the stair, I saw a really cool poster, and was looking for details, like name/date/location for performance.  Ha!  I was looking at a Toulouse-Lautrec print of Jeanne Avril...

    I didn't even recognize it for the longest, several minutes - and I KNEW the image from books.  Until you see a painting/sculpture/whatever in real life after seeing a photo, you probably aren't going to understand.

    Most art is done for impact, of one nature or another.  It's, like, the height of visual persuasion, if it's good.  So much of description, detail, social conformity and instruction came from it before literacy was widespread.

    Road-test the idea by seeing something good in a good gallery (one that doesn't just pile up canvases in tight rows.).  See a phot of the artwork first, if you can.  (Some places print up descriptions of a show, with small photos of the works.  You might even be able to flip through one without buying - although you might want to buy it later.

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