
The meaning of the name Haferbier?

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Ive been searching Google for the meaning of this name with no results. please help. if you do come up with a meaning please give me the link to the site. thank you!




  1. Hafer:German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a grower of or dealer in oats, from German Hafer ‘oats’. Compare Haber. As a Jewish surname, it is in many cases ornamental.

    Bier: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Middle High German bier ‘beer’, German Bier, Yiddish bir, a metonymic occupational name for a brewer of beer or a tavern owner, or in some cases perhaps a nickname for a beer drinker.

    South German: from the short form of a personal name formed with Old High German bero ‘bear’.

    Northern English and Scottish: variant of Byers.

    Probably the name of someone who brewed oat beer.

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