
The media coverage of Israel - one-sided or balanced?

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The media coverage of Israel - one-sided or balanced?


1) media have much to do with money

2) Palestinian reporting

2) About 90% of camera people in Gaza and the West Bank, Palestinians are

2b) The reporting of the Palestinians deliberately used as a means

2a) Media reports are sometimes from the Palestinian side deliberately falsified

2b) The freedom of the press in the Palestinian territories is becoming more and more restricted

3) The press agencies often consider facts not, but they simply if they have a good message away

4) words have influence: "Armed" and "militants" instead of "terrorists"?

5) A picture says more than 1000 words

The Palestinians know very well the power of the media and try to make this the world opinion against Israel and for their cause aufzustacheln.




  1. It's all a vast conspiracy to take your home and violate your wive(s).

    Also, aliens are real, too. They own the other 33% of the news media,and they HATE you. Not your race or ethnic origin or religion in particular, just YOU.

    The only way you can earn their trust is to stop believing in that stupid god guy. I mean, really, what nutcase thought that stuff up?

  2. This is why I am aware of propaganda and don't immediatly believe everything I see on the news. I keep an open mind. There are two sides to everything. I am pro-Israel. The Israeli's have suffered many attacks on their own soil and are trying to protect themselves. There are many who hate the Jews and they always side with the Arab palestinians and use any excuse to provoke Israel.

  3. Most people are influenced by what they read and it is one-sided. The US government supports Israel unconditionally.

  4. If its from any news station in America then its one sided. Especially FAUX news. You wantreal news use the internet its the last bastion of real news and media left.

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