
The mentality of drivers?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I drive about 60 miles on a one lane (each way) highway almost every weekend. Why do drivers drive 40 or so (posted speed is 55) until they get to the passing lanes and suddenly everyone is driving 75? As soon as the passing lane ends, they slow back down to 40. It drives me absolutely nuts!




  1. Haven't you learned that most drivers are retarded?

  2. How about those freaks that go 40mph on the highway  and then  40mph in town where the speed limit is 25mph.  Idiots!!!GOSH!!!

  3. sounds like they do it to p**s you off and it obviously works. The world is FULL of jerks.

  4. makes you wish you had a hugh brush guard on the front of your car so you could just push them out of the way.

  5. Cuz they're crazy

  6. Total distraction and lack of consideration.  I'm on a 3 lane 45 MPH stretch every morning and all 3 lanes will have cars and trucks going 40 or less.  I see people talking to each other and many, many cell phones.

    My theory is that when they are aware, that's when they switch lanes to pass, but then they get distracted again.

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