
The mermaid spell worked on me?

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When I was in my shower all of a sudden i fell and when I looked at my legs ... there was none there was a tail. I broke my wrist and I just had to tell my mom I slipped on soap. How am I gonna hide it???

I know about 1/3 of you will say I'm on drugs but I'm not I'm 13 and I really dont want to get caught.




  1.  Plz email the spell, I really do want to become a mermaid!!

    email me at, I would only use my powers for good and keep my tail a secret!

  2. just tell your mom! my mom thought it was cool. say something like; mom, i was in the tub/shower and felt strange. can you come and see if something is wrong? then you take her to the tub/shower and then just play as if you dont know that this would happen.

    Clarissa, Friend of the Sea :-)

  3. hey my name is melina and im a mermaid i know itsa sound crazyy i dont believe in mermaids and there is some girl said believe in mermaids but i didnt and i just left her alone and she curse me i heard her curse and i never forget wat shew say's she creep me out and the next mornin i got on the bath i feel somethin itchy on my legs and when i scratched it wow i was surprised i got a tail    HERE IS THE CURSE 

         oh mighty ocean give me a power

     to give curse opun this human being

     make her a mermaid when she touches water!!!

                 well FYI if u dont believe well its not my problem:):)

  4. Mermaids are a mythological creatures, that are found in literature and folklores. They have no realistic or material existance. Its natural for a girl of your age to fantasize about these creatures. As they are most loved by young girls.

    Assyrians were the ones, who gave rise to the mermaid stories. Their goddess, Atargatis transformed in to a mermaid, for she had murdered a mortal sheperd. Chinese culture also delves in the mesmerising beauty of mermaids. They too beleive in the existance of mermaids, but this beleive is commonly found in their literature, and folklore.


  5. You cannot  become a mermaid got it .  If you think you can go on then become a mermaid .

  6. well to hide it just avoid water and if your tail does come even if you did not touch water then get some papers and study mermaids. please send me the spell you did my email is please send it to me and i will tell how to control it

  7. how can she be proud of what she is? she is human, but did a spell to be a mermaid.  shes not that proud. now she wants to change. lol i tried almost every spell besides black magic and i have no side affects yet. i really regret it cause im a christian. what can i do? :( i betrayed God again. i just wanted a spell that work. mermaids are real. look up mermaids explained on youtube. those mermaids are different with webbed hands as fins, a skinny tail too narrow for legs, ultra skinny arms, attached upper arms with web to help with swimming, and is way to fast to be human. they swim with their arms back the whole time deep under water! explain that!

  8. may you please tell me what the spell was to actually become a mermaid?

  9. I can give you a reverse spell....

    The tail i have is done with for now

    My own two feet to walk on dry land

    Is what i seek

  10. can you tell me the spell u used

  11. go live in the ocean

  12. i need a spell that works do any of u guys like justine beiber


  13. why did you do the spell standing up if you know that youre just going to fall down


  14. why did you do the spell standing up if you know that youre just going to fall down


  15. o wow... your a smart 1! i really dont know any reverse spells for this only ones for curses or hex and etc... if and im saying if cause its not like me to tell someone there crazy or wrong if ive never tryed it but your stuck  with it for now and if you do ever actually get a power then i would hope its the heat one cuz if its ice or water then your screwed because if u run into water your gonna need to find a heat source and hella fast! ill try a spell like that later to see if i can help but no garenty... and watever u do! do not tell your mother !!! shell think your crazy or call a doctor which will lead to scientist and nifes and expirements its just not a pretty picture sooo secret is better!!! i can not exaderate tht enough!!! contact me at a girl like u could be doing so much more then this and especially if youve never research about it!!!! god help u if someone like an enemy finds out!

  16. Wel, what did you do to become a mermaid? If you know please tell me an hi lol I am 13. My name is Maya.

  17. would the spells turn a male into a mermaid not a merman?  I hope!


  19. hahahahahaha i found the spell  here it is

    water of nature talk unto me water of nature let the earth come to me water of nature sea creatures and i will never leave until i resign oh great oceans oh great seas anwer my want anwer my need make me a mermaid

  20. I am a mermaid, too. And I don't tell anyone. Just try to keep it a secret for longer.

  21. I am a mermaid, too. And I don't tell anyone. Just try to keep it a secret for longer.

  22. could u tell us the spell or email me at


  23. PLZ send me the spell u used!!!! All my life I have wanted to me different. I know I wasnt suppose to be a human or just that. Plz email me at!!!!!!

  24. i believe if you truly believe in something it can come true.
    just like if you believe in mythical creatures, have patience and time they will reveal themselves.

    there are many things out there that humans have no discovered, so they do not believe in those things.

    a lot of us haven't seen a million dollars, yet we still believe it's there.

    it's a matter or faith and heart.

    & no, i am not insane or on drugs, i'm a better person in the world who believes in herself, and the wonderful world we live in.
    so many wonders to behold, so i try as many as i can.

  25. email me the spell at

  26. please e-mail me the spell you used @

  27. I heard that if you take a pic of yourself or video record it the powers will go away.

  28. I have the same problem, did you get it sorted because I have had to hide it for a couple of days now. PLEASE HELP!!!

  29. tell me the spell you used and what did the tail look like

  30. can you write the spell in this colum then can i make a spell
    you be nomal again

  31. really tired of ppl telling me that their spell workes and its free, it seems that it never does im srry but i always try a veriaty of spells and they dont work. im always sad at the end and its hard eneough to find AND try them without my mom finding out what i doing. its embarissing   :(   any spells actually working, (plze dont lye i actually DO cry because its so hard to find a spell that works) plze tell me them...

  32. You shouldn't tell anyone, you should be really carefull and make sure no one knows.
    You should be proud of what you are.:)
    Take Care

  33. how did it work did you say a spell or wat did you do

  34. go swimming in salt water on easter sunday. it worked for my friend millie, and im gunna do it next year. my email is pleez email mee some spells just not the insuciant inclemency one!

  35. go swimming on easter sunday. worked for my bff coralin

  36. but how did it work on you did you say a spell to make it come to your legs or just sat in the tub for a long time.

  37. Im am 12, but i did a spell, also. Im hoping it will work. Say they spell backwards twice, hopefully it will get the spell reversed if you said it reversed. That is, if you want to get rid of it.

    Please email the spell to I will send you two reverse spells. Remember, its up to your heart whether to tell your parents or not! GOODLUCK =]!

  38. Say this 10 times:Glass of the sea shine upon me, eye of the ocean grant me with fins,make me a mermaid,human no more away from the shore,now I'm finally free to escape humanity.

  39. the mermaid spell worked on me im only 15 and it is...
    water of nature talk unto me water of nature let the earth come to me water of nature sea creatures and i will never leave until i resign oh great oceans oh great seas anwer my want anwer my need make me a mermaid.

    say it in the bath with the door locked.

    iv got it printed out on a bit of paper.

  40. the mermaid spell worked on me im only 9 and it is...
    water of nature talk unto me water of nature let the earth come to me water of nature sea creatures and i will never leave until i resign oh great oceans oh great seas anwer my want anwer my need make me a mermaid.

    say it in the bath with the door locked.

    iv got it printed out on a bit of paper.

  41. the mermaid spell worked on me im only 9 and it is...
    water of nature talk unto me water of nature let the earth come to me water of nature sea creatures and i will never leave until i resign oh great oceans oh great seas anwer my want anwer my need make me a mermaid

    iv got it printed out on a bit of paper

  42. do whatever you can not to touch water.if your mom sees your tail just tell her wht you did.

  43. Can you send the spell to me at

  44. She ain't really a mermaid or she would of told by now what spell she used!!

  45. I like how everyone can't spell and seems like their 10 years old. You should of never tried it in the first place.

  46. Well do you have a symbol? You should if so take it off hopefully it will work if not sorry I did the spell but nothing has happened yet please tell me what spell you did so i can help you out!

  47. Well do you have a symbol? You should if so take it off hopefully it will work if not sorry I did the spell but nothing has happened yet please tell me what spell you did so i can help you out!

  48. woah woah woah whats up with all these spells just do it the natural way by praying to god that way ur not making any sins and u get to be a mermaid

  49. how the spell work

  50. i have the same proplum :(:( just be pround of it

  51. Tail dissapears when you're out of water, right? Spells like these are terrifying. I mean, how many times do you get in the shower, and discover you don't have legs, but big, long tail??? Please undo the spell for god sakes. You should've become a mermaid when you were older. Then you could live in the ocean, and lie to your family telling them about your "new job" and "wonderful husband". -_- So, please undo the spell.

  52. we cant really help you if you dont tell us the spell


  54. cool! i just did one i found. i have wanted to have a tail since i first saw h20 just add water on nickelodeon

  55. hi my name is aqua
    i have the spell it really work and i think you should try it
    here it is: insouciant inclemency redoubtable mediocrity refutable
    humanity make me what i wish to be a mermaid
    whiches one and whiches all gave this power to me
    you can not choose which one you want to be
    don't stay dry!!!!
    oh p.s. my name is not after aquamarine it's aqua
    tell me if it work

  56. Okay i really don't know what to do but try this.... Say the spell backwards if u did one say it backward and then do it in the tub if that does not work !! And the people that are sayig tell ur parent yeah tell ur parents lol they are funny if u tell them, and they do not undersatnd, welll they could call a doctor or once u get ur powers maybe that could help u too...
    And I am a Mermaid to so yeah and i am also 13 years old. But email me tthe spell at and ,maybe i could figure somthing out to help u. I am really good at figuring stuff out okay thx... please email me...

  57. ...if you have a mermaid tail and a broken wrist how'd you get onto the computer and write this message down?

  58. idk but send a spell u might of said to

  59. send me the message or spell at or

  60. plz email it to me iv been trying for months iv had thousands of signs i just need the right spell
    ps i am 13 ma birthday is halloween :D

  61. sorry i think you are stuck with a fin forever. im just looking up reverse spells BEFORE i do the spell and if there isnt one im not going to do it try looking up some reverse spells on the net dont worry im 13 as well

  62. just tell ur parents straight up, dont be afraid of what u are. oh, btw, did u use a spell, if so email it to me at kaz pangya (use underscore where spaces are in my email address

  63. just tell ur parents straight up, dont be afraid of what u are. oh, btw, did u use a spell, if so email it to me at

  64. hey i saw all those mean ppl i believe you and could you tell me the spell you used? tell me on

  65. mermaid to mermaid come to me. please give me the power to become who i want to be a Mermaid.

    wat spell did u use

  67. here is a spell:

    insouciant inclemensy
    redoubtable mediocracy
    refutable humanity
    make me what i
    wish to be a mermaid
    witches one witches all
    give this power to me

  68. just dont try to freak your mum out if you want to tell her
    listen im only 13 aswell so dont freak out if you accually have a tail
    dont think tath you a freak just be proud of wat you are


  69. Stay away from water! I have recantaly done a mermaid spell =] I really hoping it will work!

    Could you email me the spell just in case?
    I'm 13 too!


  70. k. wat u need to do is see if ur mom can help. u have to tell her.  then if u dont want to keep it look for a reverse spell

  71. We are mermaids so shut up FREAK just coz u think ur ben 10 or a power ranger

  72. no ur not on drugs it is possaball coz im one so ur right

  73. how do u be a mermaid help please

  74. send me the spell heres my e-mail

  75. Plz EMAIL ME THE SPELL!!!!!!!    I want it so bad if wanted to be a mermaid all my life. My mermaid name is moonstone and plz email me the spell at

  76. OMG!!!!!! plz plz plz email me the spell!!!!!! i seriously want to become a mermaid!!!!!

  77. can you please tell me the spell my email is:

  78. whta spell did u use i wanna be a mermaid so badly email me at

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