
The modern Turks are descendents of Oghuz Turks or Greek tribes <span title="(Mionoans-Achenaes...etc)?">(Mionoans-Achenaes...etc)...</span>

by Guest33841  |  earlier

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The modern Turks are descendents of Oghuz Turks or Greek tribes (Mionoans-Achenaes...etc)...




  1. The question asked is very easy to answer.....

    Turks are mixed of everything, physically they were very ugly so they use to still beautiful girls from other nation to make themselves presentable, well they tried hard for few centuries, BUT.... they still did not achieve their goal, still look the same and they never will get to that level. And that&#039;s the absolute truth.

  2. I am Portuguese-French, and I want to date a Turkish girl.

    If we marry and have a child, then the child can choose his citizenship, he&#039;s free to feel himself Turk or other.

    It&#039;s not a etnical problem, it only is a question of feelings

  3. Hi,

    I agree with Manisali who says right.

    Please let me, I will says something for Valery.

    Why do you looks so much angry for Turks ? Do you know something which is we do not know. You can say

    I am also read what you said. Everyone says everything. Why do you angry, when we say something

    I think you have not  digested it . Right ?

    Do not worry, Fatih did not say any bad message. He says,

    Well Done Asuman, you talked very good for impolite girl.

    Is this bad ?

    And I am says now,

    Well Done Asuman. Kind Regards Asuman

  4. This is a very controversial question. At least in Turkey (and Greece)

    I guess by Modern Turks you mean the inhabitants of modern Turkey who call themselves Turks and who are recognized as such by the Turkish government?

    The issue is hotly debated but this I what I constantly hear.

    Modern Turks are descendants of different ethnicities and peoples.

    The latest etnicities that contributed to the modern Turks (as in the inhabitants of modern post-Ataturk Turkey) are the Greeks and Balkan-peoples.

    The exchange of population between Greece and Turkey, after the founding of Turkey, wasn&#039;t an exchange between etnicities but  between religious groups. Muslim Greeks were deported to Turkey and Christian Turks were deported to Greece (although of course there were deportations of ethnic Greeks and Turks as well)

    The fall of the Ottoman Empire has also lead to a new influx of Muslims from the Balkan and other parts of Eastern Europe.

    Some Turks also derive their ancestry from Arabs. South-Caucasians have also had (some) genetic influence on the Turks.

    The largest group though is indeed Turkic tribes from Central Asia.

    But we have to keep in mind that during the Ottoman era the Turkic people were frequently intermarrying with other ethnicities (Arabs, Circassians, Kurds, Greeks, Balkan etc)

    You have to know that during the Ottoman Era people married along religious lines instead of ethnic lines.

    So the answer to your question is modern Turks are descendants of Turkic tribes but Greeks, Arabs and other ethnicities played a major role as well

  5. This is compicated subject. this claim is result of greek politicas for proove somethings to greek ppl

    And Today in Turkey. Turkishness is under some provacations because of islamist fundemantalism. Because The Turks choosen Turkishness since 1923 to keep the national values in one and This is not good for islamist fundemantalism before 1923 the Turks were Only Muslims

    and somethings in media on these days but all of them r wrong and very far from scientific researchs.

    Real Scientific Researchs r below (about Anatolian Turkish) i read them a research which one belong a german prof. i dont remember name

    according to that reserach most similar gene to gene of Anatolian Turks is Indian and Persian (indo-european,white) also this is very logical when Oghuz Turks were migrating anatolia they lived in these areas. but according to THAT RESERACH  MODERN TURKS R STILL HAVE OGHUZ GENES

    Reel greeks descendents of etiophians today u can see  dark skin greeks in greece and in some islands but anatolia is different. ancident anatolians were descendents of aryan races(indo-european, white) before hellenism. after hellenist ages anatolian ppl converted to greek but they werent real greeks. after ppl exchange, these white ppl went to greece. this is why greek and Turks r similar

    Azeris and Anatolian Turks r Oghuz Turks.  Azeris and Anatolian Turks r very similar. and Azeris never lived with greeks together

    seljuck and ottoman empires were islamist empires. if a person was muslim he /she was first class citizen so then some muslim balkan ppl accepted Turkishness after 1923 maybe some greek armenian and arabic ppl too  

    genes are not all about being a Turk if you can say you are a Turk and be proud of it then you are a Turk but if you must say what about genes then we all have Turkishness in our genes

  6. They are mixed, but it doesn&#039;t matter...

    They are good people...

  7. i agree with Natalie...

  8. Interesting and quite complex question...

    The person above has given you a right answer...

      Actually it deals, at the same time, with history,anthropology,genetics   ,politics,religion,sociology   ,and even psychology and philosophy...Anf of course turcology too !

    The first Turks come from the Altay mountains and the Nort-West of China ( Xin-Qiang), and had very similar genetical links with the Monghols ( for example, there are many turkish names which are both turkish and monghols, as Genghis,Timur or Atilla). Most of them looked like Asians ( as for example, the singer Serdar Ortaç or the footballer Ilhan Mansiz))

    When the turkish tribes began to go to the West, they made many battles and wars against Persians,Caucasians,Slavic people,Greeks, Arabs ,etc... And in this far past, soldiers usually took daughters of the defeated people...And then Turks began to have mixed children ( with arab blood, or slavic blood, for example).

    In the Ottoman period, the Turks conquered Anatolia,and entered also in the Balkans and in North Africa, and of course there occured many marriages with local girls. For example, in Algeria, Soliman the Magnificent had sent thousands and thousands soldiers, who were all young and lonely, and many of them choosed a arab girl; and came back to Turkey with them. And it was the same also in Yougoslavia, Hungary,etc.

    The Ottoman army had also a elite army corps, which is called &quot;the Janissary&quot;,and the boys of this corps  were orphans of european countries. It was a foreign force that batted for the Sultan, and they were accepted as Turks (like the french foreign legion).

    Actually, it&#039;s obvious that all Turks have Oghuz, Selçuklu and Osmanli ascendants, but many have also foreign blood ( if in the past a foreign girl, or boy, was accepted in the family).

    But it&#039;s not important, we feel ourselves Turks, and proud, and we are united...

    I suppose I have also foreign blood. You can see my photo ? In general, the Turks can easily guess I am one of them ( and sometimes they don&#039;t even notice it). But other people always think I am Spanish,Italian,Portuguese,    Greek,Armenian,Libanese, Egyptian,Romanian,Bulgarian,  Jewish,etc...

       I may have greek,arab or bulgarian blooe, I don&#039;t know ( one of my ancestors may have married a girl in the Balkans ).

    It doesnt&#039; matter, I am Turk and proud, and Iove my country.

      The turkish identity is not a question of race, it&#039;s a question of excellence, a question of love o the Nation...We are united and all feel ourselves as belonging to the turkish nation, whatever can be our genetical  heritage.

    There are Turks who look like Germans, Turks who look like Arabs, Turks who look like Asians, Turks who look like Latinos, but they all are Turks...

  9. I was reading the answers and noticed that everyone agrees that there is all kind of races in turky, so why is everyone picking in Sera, well if she says you can find the truth in the libraries.

    OK go and read, why do you make a fuss over it

    I think  asuman should send her pics to me I will tell her who her ancestors are. And I think Sera must be very beautiful lady, all Armenian girls are.

    And faith  tronco or whatever, you are very cowered because you express yourself in a unknown language that no one get what it is.

  10. They aren&#039;t descendents of Greek that&#039;s for sure.

  11. I am %90 Turk so what would you be taking into count the %10 or  %90...

    Also, We are Turkiye people race, color etc...does not matter.....

    Sera you must be talking about yourself, I could send you a picture of me if you like but don&#039;t be upset or jealous :))))))))))))

  12. Manisali was quite correct.

    Ammaaan,don&#039;t worry.Greeks do not think that Turks are descendants of ancient Greek tribes...I cannot see how Turks could be descendants of ancient Greeks.Ofcourse the 500 years you were occupying Balcans,including Greece,mixtures could take place.

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