
The mom dont pack clothes for my daughter on visitation.?

by  |  earlier

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I only have my daughter every weekends, and when I pick her up the mom dont like to pack some clothes for her. Its not a problem at first but everytime I buy my daughters clothes, toys and shoes the mom just dont give it back so that my daughter can have her own stuff at my place. I talked to her about this and the mom says she dont wanna be responsible to pack her stuff when she goes with me. Our daughter remembers what we bought last weekend and she looks for them sometimes specially if its a toy. I know its just a 2 day visit but I dont like our kid to wear the same cothes the next day. The mom doesnt like to cooperate with me as the other parent of our child. Is there something I can do other than trying to talk it over with the mom? or should I just keep going as it is?




  1. Buy your own clothes for her and keep them at your house.  Then when your daughter goes home, send her back in the clothes that she wore to your house.  As for toys just explain to your daughter that theres toys are for her to keep at your house so she has stuff to play with.  Send her home with only the things that she came with.

  2. The best way to settle this is for you to buy clothes and keep at your house.  Always have at least two outfits there for her and keep them there.   In my case I packed up two outfits a piece for them and he kept them at his house at all times.   I would give him a change of season clothes every few months.  she should do that for you, if not you have to buy them yourself.  

    If she has a toys etc.. keep them at your house.  The stuff you buy her, should stay with you.

  3. she just being a *****.... if i were you i would buy some clothes and keep them at your play as well as some toys (you could try for a court order to get you daughter mom to give back the toys and clothing) and when she gets there change her straight out of the clothing the mom has sent her in put her in your clothes then you can send her home in the same clothes but she wont have worn the same thing twice/ it wont be dirty. And dont let her take any of the toy home. MAYBE you could get her to pack some things, or get some of the toys you gave her and bring them back over?? But try not to put her in the middle too much. Im sorry some women are like that and its really not fair to your daughter that she has to feel this tention and she doesnt get to have the things you buy her.

  4. Buy clothes, toys, etc and keep them at your house.  Don't let your daughter bring them with her when she goes back to her mom's house.  If it's really a problem, talk to your lawyer.

  5. the general consensus is buying stuff for ur house only (my mother does this for my niece and nephew)

    HOWEVER: if she does not like the idea of being 'responsible to pack her stuff when she goes with' u, then maybe she doesnt want to be responsible enough to get her things she needs for her daughter when her daughter is with her.  

    and where r the toys uve been buying her? child cant find them?

    if there is a custody battle, i suggest using this as leverage as 'bad parenting'

  6. My cousins their mom sends them in raggy play clothes and its my uncles responsiblity to buy them clothes and keep them at his house. So she dresses them and they spend the week, weekend whatever and wear the cothes he bought them then sends them home in what they came in. That could be an option for you. They could never agree on anything, so the lawyers came up with this idea.

  7. keep clothes at your house that your daughter isnt allowed to wear back to her moms.

    the clothes she's wearing when you get her make sure you wash so she can go home in them clean on sunday.

  8. well one of my friends has this problem with her ex....She started keeping the things at her house and only putting the clothes back on her that they came in(after being washed) and telling her kids that they have to keep the toys at home so that way they will have them when they come back....Congratulations for being a responsible parent and doing what is best for your daughter

  9. yeah..dont send her stuff that u buy to her moms...

    and bring her back home in the clothes she wore from her moms to ur place...

    explain to the child that toys have to stay at ur house b/c u only have so many ...

    also u need to go to rummage sales or e-bay and get some more clothing and toys

  10. Steph has the right idea.

    Send your daughter home in what she came in.

    Have her clothes that you  buy at your house only, as well as toys and so on.

  11. If it is a court ordered custody arrangement you can contact the court for assistance.  If I were you I would keep whatever clothes she arrives in, wash them after she is gone, and send her back in them the next time.  That way she will always have at least one outfit at your home.  Your daughter's mother is being unreasonable if she won't pack an overnight bag.  You may want to consider buying a few outfits to keep at your house.  Have your daughter change right away into one of her new outfits and then send her back in the one she arrived in.  

    As for the toys, keep toys at your house.  If she doesn't take them back to her mother's they will be available when she comes back the next time.  Her mother is using you beyond what the court allows to provide additional items.

    Good luck.

  12. Buy clothes and keep them at your house. Wash the outfit she comes over in and send her back home in it at the end of the weekend. Problem solved.

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