
The more I earn money, the more and more and more I need it! How Funny?

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The more I earn money, the more and more and more I need it! How Funny?




  1. How I Earn $5000 and above every month from by this site ,

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  2. This is so true and when one can look close enough they can see the alters and the invisible flame stuck on minus when it comes to money there are alters built to burn it usually called entertainment by face value, but that is my version a not so amusing story .

  3. My friend, this is not only true to human behavior but also evry form of God's creation. Monovalents that are nearer to electronic configuration of noble gases( a true equilibrium state) are highly acticve where as gold, silver and platinum which are far off from inert or noble gases in electronic configuration are really inactive chemically. The man in the highest seat of an office has every opportunity to become lazy but he is the most active man in the office. A clerk in a Government office in India does not aspire to reach the top of his career and is truly lazy. A noble soul who is very near to the Godliness is highly active philosophically. As means tend to equal wants or as the membrane separating means and wants gets thinner man becomes more active economically.

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