
The more I read up on Sarah Pilan, the more I really like McCain's pick...what say you?

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  1. Great choice for McCain he did a wonderful job picking her :)

  2. I was skeptical at first, but I agree:  the more I read, the more I really like her.  I think she's going to do well.

  3. I agree completely.  I think his pick was brilliant.    Now lets wait for all the attacks because she admitted to trying pot and having a handicapped child.  

  4. I agree completely, she has actually done things instead of just talking, I like the pick quite a bit.

  5. Sorry Dear but YOU are unfortunately alone. With One term governor, ZERO foreign and military experience it is a disappointing choice for everyone including hardcore Republicans.

    Well, Obama, a Harvard Law Review President was a two-term State Senator and now a U.S Senator. Very smart and thoughtful. Sorry, but it was the McCain campaign who started the experience factor so no DOUBLE STANDARDS here. Let us all be honest, McCain just bombshell his campaign....he insanely blew it!

  6. I agree

  7. I agree! She has actual EXECUTIVE experience! Sure it's two years... that's more than Obama has.  

  8. Totally!

    Y'know, I think McCain has got the Democrats worried. Either they post immature, silly insults or they actually dare to say she has no experience, which just yesterday, didn't seem to matter to them at all. I guess you only need experience if you're a Republican, a woman, or your White.

  9. I'm still voting for Obama. But Sarah Palin makes my pants tight! :oD

  10. i think mccain just did himself in.  he's trying to go after the women voters, but he picked the wrong v.p.  i can't wait until the debates, biden will eat her alive.  he'll expose her ties to big oil and her being under investigation already.  can you even nominate someone that's under investigation?  what if mccain wins and she's found guilty?  besides this pick eliminates the argument of experience for mccain.  this woman's only been governor for 18 months.  

  11. Awesome woman . She has my vote

  12. Even though a lot of Obama supporters don't think she is a good pick,----I have to disagree. :)

  13. Really.. are you impressed with her Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Idaho or her runner up status as Miss Alaska.. I sure am impressed.. NOT  

  14. I would definetly get it on with her. I could then sell the story to the news of the world and become rich.

  15. Brilliant choice

  16. I think its a great pick. I think that she's really going to apeal to both women and parents. I read that she has a child with down syndrome that's really going to apeal to parents with disabled kids.

    I think that I will vote mcain now. I was already leaning that way but I this helped make up my mind.

  17. I think that it's great for Obama/Biden ticket. Because by choosing a running mate with no foreign policy experience, his argument against Obama's inexperience is very weak now. Obama's running mate Biden is highly experienced in foreign policy. Therefore,Obama can lean on Biden to help him make decisions on foreign policy matters. As for McCain,he's 72 years old with a history of health problems. If he dies in office, then Palin will take over as president with very little foreign policy experience. If Obama ends up not finishing his term, Biden will be ready to take over as president because of his extensive foreign policy experience.

    But choosing inexperienced Palin for his running mate, McCain can't argue about Obama's inexperience. McCain's judgment can be really criticized now. first impression about McCain's pick is that he's targeting women voters including especially disgruntled Hillary supporters. However, her strong pro-life record won't sit well with the women that are prochoice. Her strong conservatism won't sit right with liberals. Therefore, his pick might actually backfire. His pick can be seen as insulting womens' intelligence too.

  18. She married to a oil executive at BP Petroleum....Just what we need in Washington DC, another high ranking politician well connected to big oil !!  Bravo nothing !

  19. Great job canceling out the dems. Experience, check. New blood, check. Female, GOP. Social values, GOP has the leg up. Excellent trip to the white house GOP.

  20. no way

    she married her sister and has no experience

  21. I have to agree.  She was in the military, mayor of a large city, governor of Alaska, lifelong member of NRA, stopped the building of the bridge to nowhere, was a journalist before entering politics.  I'm impressed.  She is also considered a maverick so won't stick to strick party guidelines.  

  22. I say Pelosi is screaming at her plastic surgeon asking why she cant look like that!

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