
The more massive a star is at birth, the longer its life is? true or false?

by Guest64046  |  earlier

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12. True or False: The more massive a star is at "birth," the longer its life.

13. What causes high and low tides?

14 Give length of time for the following:

Rotation of the earth on its axis

Revolution of the moon around the earth

Revolution of the earth around the sun

The tilt of the earth on its axis, combined with the revolution of the earth around the sun

15. What scientist is credited with developing the continental drift theory?

16. Type of fault in which blocks of crust move horizontally past each other.

17. Which type of volcano is built of alternating layers of lava flow, ash, and cinders?

18. Name the three main components of soil.

19. Define/describe minerals and give several examples of common ones.

20. Following an earthquake, seismic waves begin to move out from the point of the movement. The type of wave that travels out in “all” directions from the point of movement is the __________.




  1. Do your own homework!

    OR at the very least - post each question individually - this is just abuse.

    I will answer your first question tho'

    it is false - more massive stars have more fuel, but the burn through it a lot faster so have shorter lives...

  2. 12. False.  Larger stars burn hotter, and more quickly.

  3. false

    the hotter they burn the faste they die out

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