
The most basic requirements for spending an extended period outdoors?

by Guest62072  |  earlier

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I am planning a camping/hiking etc trip to Mexico with my father and we plan to be away from civilisation for most of it. Whilst I have yet to do any proper research, I have looked up the basics as to what would be needed to survive in this environment.

Can you add or take away anything from the list below- bearing in mind this is just preliminary basics?

I should also add we will not be completely alone per se; local authorities will be informed of our intentions and we will look into the best type of radio/phone etc to carry.

The list (to be carried on foot, some items duplicated):

Tent (+ ancilliaries)

Water purification tablets

Dry food

Knife, multitool, machete

Kindling and waterproof matches





  1. the absolute bare minimum required for spending an extended time outdoors is

    - an ability to make fire (matches, lighter even flint and steel if you know how to use them)

    - some type of cord ( I suggest parachute cord about 50 feet is usually recommended)

    - a knife. (I suggest a working type knife, a kukri or marine kabar would be my choice,not one of those fancy survival knives you by at walmart

  2. you must have:

    fishing line and hooks (bait can be larvae, worms and crickets)

    a snake bite kit

    a back up hat

    back up shoes

  3. A small first aid kit is a must.


  4. A GPS might be useful, a first aid kit is vital, I'd take a lighter or two as well as matches, string (useful for many things), a small sewing kit.

  5. Cutlery, insect repellent, sun screen, a bloody good book!  

  6. Hello,

    You can read all the books you want, but until you do it.....

    How long will you be gone?

    You will be caring kindling?? Why?

    Will you be walking during the gets hot (depending on where you go).    

    You have to take first aid things, really you never know what will happen k.

    How will you be dressing? More is better then less.

    Shoes- boots new? Bring plenty of socks and band aids. Sucks when it hurts to walk.

    Do bugs like you, bring something to keep them away.

    Check up on the wildlife where you are going, some can be deadly.

    Machetes are heavy when you walk a distance, there is going to be no trails? Not real smart. How people die in our state.

    Check out there rescue there any way you can go on a practice hike here in America first?

    If no civilization phone wont work and they may not have the tracking we do. Radio is going to work where you are going? This is not to far away from civilization.....

    Just be careful and reading will help, but do not rely totally on it. Don't eat anything on the trail unless you have been trained! Start eating what you will on the hike so you do not have the "runs" fully. Bring toiletries (toilet paper).

    mmmm a camera is cool and check the weather. Maps of the area. Medication if you or him are on it.

    All I can think of.

    Have fun :0)

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