
The most beautiful creature you have found in your place?

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The most beautiful creature you have found in your place?




  1. Jeannie Kathleen.

  2. I see a lot of deer. Other animals I see are mostly small such as ground hogs, raccoons, possums. I've seen fox but very rarely, also on very rare occasions, buzzards.

  3. My dog Daisey, a pug, every morning in my bed.

  4. There is a large carpet python living in my roof that looks spectacularly beautiful when his skin has just been shed.  Brush tail possums, ringtail possums, blue tongue lizards - they are all beautiful to me.  I love the butterflies and moths as well and have many birds drop in to visit, pale faced herons, ravens, noisy miners, frogmouth owls, egrets, ibis, rainbow lorikeets, sulpher crested and black cockatoos and magpies (I love the magpies) occasionally (once) sugar glider, grass parrots, green tree snakes, brown snakes, bearded dragons and water dragons (the water dragons not so common) oops sorry carried away again.

    Edit - Oh and the frogs several kinds and I even think the cane toad (bufos marinos) is beautiful although people like to kill them on sight because they are considered a pest (but I give them sanctuary).

  5. Parrot.

  6. A frog on my bald head and a crococdile.

  7. I love those humming birds collecting nectar from my hibiscus garden. And the coolest thing is that, there are 2 nests inside the garden but no eggs are there in it. I probably guess that it would be the humming birds' nests only.

  8. Me.

  9. My precious cat Teddy.

  10. Define beautiful?

  11. Every morning when I unleash my pocket monster.


  13. nothin' :)

  14. beautiful friends : )

  15. Love-birds

  16. My crush at my work place (^-^)

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