
The most coffee you've drank in a day?

by  |  earlier

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The most was probably yesterday, I drank one and a half pots of coffee... I still managed to fall asleep though.




  1. six cups, i try to keep it under four now.

  2. 20 cups, or there abouts lmao ;)

  3. Heya

    I used to be a cofee addict and i think i totalled about 7 cups one after the other. I then went into a sort of fit. I was shaking like mad and my heart was absoluly racing. I nearly went to a and e. After that i didnt drink any. But ive sort of gone bacmk to about 3 cups a day now.

    =] x*x

  4. about 8 cups of coffee, around 4 espresso´s, ......then i started just  to nip on all the cups i was brewing......... took me one and a half hours, -----uaaahh

    - when i was adjusting my coffemachine......(jura-automatic)

    ----normally i drink about 5 cups

  5. Seven liters and can do that any day

  6. like 4 cups (not alot)

  7. I used to drink about 6 cups a day every day.

  8. 4 or 5 triple shot espressos that was when i was working 10 to 16 hour days 7 days a week

  9. 15 cups

  10. i dont know, i know i was up to 12 shots of espresso once when i worked at a coffee shop, and that was just on shift. (8 hours)

  11. about 5 mugs

  12. For the whole afternoon. About a pot ?

  13. Probably 4 or 5 douple espresso's, when I used to work in a French cafe...Worked 2 jobs, drank a lot of coffee daily to stay awake...

  14. 2 cups and an espresso....I felt like my bones wanted to jump out of my skin

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