
The most common spiritual/religious question ?

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In your opinion, what are the 5 most common questions about religion or spirituality that are asked universally (not just within a certain faith) and if you are religious, what are the 5 most common questions asked within your religion?




  1. 1. Is God real?

    2. Why did He make us?

    3. Why did He make me?

    4. Am I good enough?

    5. What if I'm not?

  2. Question A:

    Do you believe in God?

    Who or what created the cosmos?

    Why are we here?

    Why are morals important?

    Whose or What scale do you use to measure morality?

    Question B:

    Why do you accept Jesus as God?

    How do you expalin the Trinity?

    Was Jesus God, a god, a good man or prophet?

    Why was Jesus' death and resurrection so important in conquering death and sin?

    What does the Bible say about....?

  3. 1. Does God exist? (similarly... prove God exists)

    2. What is the purpose/meaning of life?

    3. Is there only one "true" religion?

    4. Is there life after death?

    5. How was the universe created?

    Within my religion... Christianity:

    1. How can the Virgin Birth be real?

    2. Why does God condemn us to h**l?

    3. Why are there so many denominations in Christianity?

    4. What exactly is the Triune God?

    5. Can you lose your salvation?

    Have a blessed day.

  4. Pray for me

    Pascal's Wager

    Atheists, what is the point of life if you don't believe in god?

    Questions related to premarital s*x/purity rings.

    Atheists:  Prove evolution to me.

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