
The most excruciating pain of my life...appendicitis?

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A couple years ago, the first day of track practice our new coach ran us about four miles on the sucked. When I left the school I started to feel a very sharp seemingly intramuscular pain in my side. I started to hunch over because the pain got bad. When I got home, and got out of the car I had to bend at the waist and walk up to my house it was getting worse. When I climbed up the stairs I was in tears, and I am a tough me, I never cry. I laid down in bed and it was the most excruciating pain i've ever felt and I've broken bones and even had a fishook in my eye...that's another story. I wanted to die...seriously, for 2 hours I had a real death wish. My parents thought it was my appendix...and they wanted to take me to the ER but even then I couldn't be bribed to ride in the car ten minutes and be pumped morphine...I looked out the window and hoped that the pain would stop by any means, even death. After writhing for a couple hours my mom's muscle relaxer put me to sleep for an hour or so, I woke up and was fine. What the h**l happened? I can't even imagine child birth hurting that much! Or it was childbirth amplified...but then again I've never birthed a child. I thought I was dying!




  1. Better undergo a urinalysis so that you will know if you have too much salt intake for it will be an indicator that you are suffering from a kidney trouble.  Try to drink 10-15 glasses of water per day in 3 months.  Then, let me know if it helps. Try it coz I even lose weight by merely drinking water in three months without drinking coffee, tea or carbonated drinks.

    But then, you better see your family doctor, too.  Take care and GOD BLESS!

  2. I have had cysts on the ovaries that have really made me grit my teeth. Ever had a gyn check-up?  Birth control pills really helped that problem. It wasn't for birth control per se...but the hormone level.

    just a thought.  OH...there is an intermittent pain that can be from either ovary, when the egg bursts forth . Mittlesmerz (sp)  It can be excruciating.

  3. It was most likely a severe gas pain.  If it had been appendicitis, you would have died without treatment.  

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