
The most horrific cramps during pregnancy?

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I am 25+3 and suffering from the most painful leg cramps. I suffered in my other two pregnancies but this time round it is really really bad. I wake up every 20-30 mins to roll over and the cramps come. They are worse in my left leg and so strong that my leg and foot look deformed when it happens. The tendons in my leg are like knife edges and nothing I do stops it. I am losing sleep because of it.

What causes these cramps? How do I stop it? The pain is so bad I am literally moaning in pain.




  1. Leg cramps in pregnancy are generally caused because the uterus grows upwards and cuts off some of your main ateries, slowing blood flow, etc.  They say that you'll get cramps a lot worse if you lay on your back.  I'm wondering if when you roll over you are causing the cramps by cutting off the blood flow.  

    I've found eating a banana (potassium) and drinking a glass of milk (calcium) before bed and then sleeping on my left side with a pillow between my knees REALLY helps.  I suffer from the evil restless leg thing too but that seems to be a bit better with the pillow.

  2. I would definitely talk to your doctor about it.  They may want to check some blood work to see if anything is off.  You may have low potassium, which would be fixable with diet and/or supplements.

  3. It could be that you need more calcium. The baby takes a lot of your calcium and a deficiency in calcium can cause some horrific muscle cramps. But, I would still ask your Dr. they will have more of an idea than any of us on here.

  4. try to point your toes upward towards you when you get them for about 4-5 seconds...the pain goes straight worked for me

  5. I think you're getting a charley horse, and believe me I know how bad it is.  Sometimes it's caused by dehydration or low potassium.  You can drink more water, if you're not drinking a lot already.  Eat bananas, and do several calve stretches before bed.  I have the same problem, and have made myself drink more water, it has helped.  Also, you can try resting a heating pad on your calves to relax the muscles.  Hope it gets better for you.

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