
The most thing being a poet is to----- and do what?

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What is the most important thing in your opinion to teach me about writing poetry?




  1. have no opinion about such matters.

    how to write poetry ? ask a poet.

    how to write words ?

    just put on some music that you like without words,,

    and put words to it. as crazy as it may sound ,it will be you're own words in a flow.. after all music is poetry just as poetry is music.

    gary bechter.

  2. practice makes semi-perfect. and always write about things you love and put your whole heart into each one of them. You don't always have to follow all the rules either, poetry is yours and if you want to go out on a limb have fun on the way out there.

  3. The most important thing to remember as a poet is to "be creative with your words, in metaphor usage, similes, and adjective to noun descriptions,"

    And to, "write about what you know, and learn about what you don't know, before you write about it."

    To be a better creative writer, daily, write odd sentences, with similes, and the like.

    To learn more, study.

  4. Become familiar with poetic devices.

    Read a lot of different styles of poetry.

    Practice different styles of poetry.

    Build a large vocabulary.

    Accept help when needed.

    Accept criticism graciously even if it is on the negative side.

    Of all these, I think the first and most important rule is to write what you know.

  5. Poetry is more than words on paper.

    Instead, it is everything, or maybe nothing, or maybe a few things.

    It is a way of talking, or creating, or dreaming.

    (But the paper's pretty important too.)

  6. Have something to say, say it in a rhythmic way and try not to cover too much.  Use poetic devices to help construct the lines.  Be original, unique and succint in putting the words down on paper.  Practice.  Listen for the muse and write the thought down immediately.  Spend  a lot of time in editing to make it shine.  Here is an example of a muse that struck me awhile back: spread not these seeds.  This is what it turned into: a story about soldiers and death in far off lands.

    Spread not these Seeds

    Oh, the grateful flowers bloom this spring day

    from ground stained and moist, forever dark

    costly the price for rare beauties shown.

    The seeds so bright and strong gave all

    to soils of distant lands, untended way to long

    what price we pay to spread our visions.

    Why must we view our flowers there?

    Why must we tend these distant lands?

    Why must we give our souls away?

    Our tears fill our lands yet no seeds we have

    barren now once rich and fertile soil

    Who will give us seeds to sow?

    Good luck.

  7. Feel it, imagine it happens to u ,experience it and say as it tells u !!!

    Be Creative

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