
The movie The Mist ending??

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if u guys have ever seen the mist there's

said to be two endings: i've seen the ending where he

shoots his son and then help comes 3 seconds later. but is there another ending like a happy ending cause it was a good movie and i wanted to know the other endings.




  1. the movie only has one ending.

    >>> WARNING: Here Be Spoilers <<<

    Trivia items below here contain information that may give away important plot points. You may not want to read any further if you've not already seen this title.

    SPOILER: Frank Darabont's "controversial" ending actually comes directly from Stephen King's source material. Written in first-person, David entertains this notion in his mind as a distant possibility, noting there are three bullets and four people (Dan Miller doesn't make it to the car in the novella), but he ends his journal and leaves it in a restaurant the survivors have sought refuge in before the car runs out of gas. Darabont felt this ending was too ambiguous and wrote the story to its finite climax, and ending that Darabont says in the DVD commentary was endorsed by King as the ending King wished he would have thought of.

    Frank Darabont agreed to make the film with Dimension only under the condition that no matter what, they wouldn't change the scripted ending. They agreed.

  2. there is only one ending, the other one was made by a fan using  random clips.

  3. I haven't heard of a different ending

    but the ending where he shoots his son made me cry

    like crazy!

    If I find out about a different one I'll let you know.

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