
The name game in obedience lessons?

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We just started obedience lessons and the first assignment (besides introducing the clicker) is to play the "name game" with the clicker.

Here is the sheet they gave us:

Say your dog's name ONE TIME ONLY in a clear tone. Plan to do it when he wants to look at you anyway.

Click your clicker immediately as he turns to look at you. As soon as you click, reward with small pieces of treat, praise or anything else your dog really likes.

Oops! You say his name and he doesn't look. Run and Hide! Grade his toy and play with it yourself! whip out a tasty treat and eat it your self or at least pretend to! Grab your keys and run out the door!

My question is when my dog doesn't look I'll eat the cheerio or piece of cheese instead, but can anyone clarify what it means when it says to run and hide! and etc. Because she kind of gets it but not 100% of the time. More like 10% of the time.

At first I wait until she looks at me and then I say her name click and reward. But she's just not doing too good at this.

She is a pretty smart dog- already knows sit and down (stay to a certain extent) rollover and paw.




  1. Run and Hide sounds like a way of getting your dog's attention and then showing her how much fun she's missing out on.  You're playing with the toy, eating the treat, and going outside to take a ride (that one only works if your puppy likes the car.)  She could be having this fun *with* you, but because she didn't respond you get to party by yourself.  

    Sometimes you can help the pup along a little by directing her gaze to you.  Put your finger in front of her nose and then bring it up to your eyes; when she looks, click & treat.  Once she has done that half a dozen times, eliminate the help.  Hopefully she has caught on to the game by that point.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Re Run and Hide:

    Dogs especially puppies will usually follow you when you run away from them. It is like a game of chase and most dogs find it to be very fun. So the idea of running away and hiding is to try and get your dog to follow you, while at the same time making it fun for her so it doesn't seem like training but more like a game.

    Another thing you may try is to use a higher priority treat. Dogs really love the Natural Balance rolls. They have wheat in them though, so only use them if your dog is not allergic to wheat. Other things my dogs like: cheese, freeze dried liver. Just cut them up into very little pieces so you don't give them too much.

    Also keep sessions short (10-15 mins max) and end on a positive note. Puppies have very short attention spans.

    Hope this helps. Sounds like you are having great fun in your class! :-) Go clicker!!

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