
The name i want for my baby doesn't fit together very well.. help?

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I have absolutely fallen in love with the name Lexie for my little girl.

But there is a problem.

The name i want is Lexie Marie McCarthy (this would be her full name)

But it doesn't sound right!

What can i do to make this sound right? I am open to any suggestions in name changes.




  1. Lexie is a nickname. I'm Alexa ... my nickname is "Lex". I like the nickname, but I'd hate for my full "offical" name to be Lex. You can't put Lexie on a dipoloma... or use it and be taken seriously in most of the business world. She'll need a name that allows her to be an adult.

    Alexandra/Alexis/Alexia/Alexa are all nice full names. Use Lexie as her nickname.

    Alexandra Marie is a beautiful name.  

  2. I think the problem is that all three names end in a long 'e' sound. If you mixed something up, it might sound better. For instance, you could name your daughter Alexa (or Alexandra, Alexandria, etc.) and use Lexie as her nickname. Or you could use a different middle name that doesn't end in -ie, such as Lexie Rose, Lexie Ann, Lexie Renee, Lexie Audra, Lexie Suzanne, etc., etc.

  3. What about if you just slightly changed the fist name, to Alexa, Alexis, Alexia, Alexandra, Alexandrine?

    Lexie as a nickname?

    Alexa Marie McCarthy sounds nice.

    To make it flow better, you could just change the middle name altogether.

    Lexie Alessa McCarthy?

    Lexie Helena McCarthy?

    Lexie Drew McCarthy?

    Or you could have 2 middle names to balance it out.

    Lexie Marie Alessandra McCarthy.

    Lexie Marie Alyssa McCarthy.

    I would have the second name begin and end with an A sound, as the other 3 names don't have that.

    And maybe try to avoid any M sounds in the second middle name.

    Lexie Marie Arianna McCarthy.

    Congrats and Hope I helped

    =) x

  4. Alexis Marie McCarthy

    use Lexie as her nickname !

  5. Alexis Marie then call her Lexie for short

    Lexie Louise ?

  6. lexie hope

    lexie susanna

    lexie robyn

    lexie kim

    lexie sharon

    lexie kelly

    lexie amiee

    lexie stacey

    lexie lisa

  7. I like Skittelz' suggestion. 'Alexis' is quite nice, and can be abbreviated to the name you want.

    'Lexie' is not a name in its own right.

  8. what about Alexis Marie McCarthy.. you can still call her Lexie  

  9. i think it sounds absolutely fine!  as a matter of fact i think it has a nice ring to it!!!  and how often in your life has someone randomly called you by your full name?? only your parents when you're in trouble right? lol  i think its pretty... and if thats what you like then so be it... why worry what other people think?  i always tried to think of rhyming names to see if a name was bad... and i couldnt think of any bad ones for that!  lexie marie is gorgeous!

  10. Lexie Marie McCarthy sounds right to me. The other answerers are right though in saying Lexie is usually a nickname. Then again, it's Lexie you want, not Alexandra or anything. Lexie is supposed to be her real name; if you call her Alexandra that may later be thought of as her "real" name, the name she was "meant" to be called by, which is not what you had in mind, of course.

    I'm also wondering if the dad has any say in it. Did he come up with Marie? Why not both provide one first name.

    EDIT: Being myself usually called by the nickname of my second name (and sometimes by my second name proper), I think it would be easiest for her if her first name would be simply Lexie. Her second name could be Marie, or her dad could provide another.

  11. aww Lexie is a gorgeous name

    i have a simalar problem

    what about just taking away the middle name :)

  12. well my sisters name is alexia. i love the i in it.

    its unique cause everyone no's handfuls of alexa's,

    alexandra,+alexis. i would also spell it lexi.

    alexia marie mcCarthy? SOUNDS BETTER

    try a different middle name obviously

    i have friends lexi. one of them is actualy lexi leigh

    haha sounds funny right ? but its really cute

    its alexis leigh. maybe try lexie lynn !


  13. Alexis Marie McCarthy (Lexie for short)

  14. What about Alexa Marie instead? Then 'Lexie' could be her nickname. I actually think it sounds alright together. What about Lexie Grace, or Lexie Elizabeth?

  15. Lexie is more of a nickname, I would put a formal name of the birth cert and then just call her Lexie.  I can't picture an adult woman with "Lexie" on her office door.

    Alexis? Alexandra? Alexa?

    I think Alexis McCarthy would flow really well.  

    I don't know about Marie. It seems like a filler middle name and the "M" middle name and the "M" last name disrupts the flow a bit. Bit if you absolutely love it I think it would work. How often do you say a full name outloud anyways?

  16. Lexie Marie McCarthy sounds really nice i cant see anything wrong with it.

    It goes well together, it sounds prettty and it cant be changed to have other kids make fun of it.

    I like it and i'd name my own child it!

    Good luck and best wishes x*x

    Ignore everyone saying call her Alexis - its a horrible name, Lexie is much better!!!!

  17. Alexandra Marie McCarthy?

    Alexis Marie McCarthy?

    Lexie is used as a nickname for both of these names.

  18. I think it's fine...but I'd have Alexa Marie McCarthy as her proper name and call her Lexie for short......

    Lexie is a lovely name, but I think it's nice for "cute" sounding names to have a more sophisticate/grown-up option for later in life if they prefer........(Senator Lexie? Or Senator Alexa..... you get my drift)....

    But also consider how much you use her full name or not.....mostly she'll be Lexie McCarthy anyway, so if you like it, do it.... I think the more you say it, the more you'll get used to the sound of it, and it will roll off your tongue more easily.

    How exciting! good luck!

  19. Alexandra Marie McCarthy sounds gorgeous!  You could call her Lexie, but she'd have a full name to fall back on as an adult.  

  20. I think it sounds beautiful together although I could be pronouncing it wrong. Marie to me sounds more like "MARE REE" With the ee's sounding long and not so much like mary. If that is how your are pronocing it then it sounds beautiful together to me. If your pronouncing it mary then maybe consider chanding it to be pronounced mareree but spelled the way you like it.  

  21. use something else as the full name, like:






    then use lexie as a nickname.

    or, change the middle name, e.g:

    lexie rose

    lexie ella

    lexie hannah

    lexie miranda

    lexie johanna

    lexie rae

    lexie anne

    lexie willow

    lexie freema

    lexie catherine

    lexie cadence

    lexie annabelle

    lexie imogen

    lexie matilda

    lexie samantha

    lexie alana

    lexie faith

    lexie shiloh

    lexie grace

  22. You have lovely taste in names :)

    I would suggest using Lexie as a nickname for Alexa.

    So Alexa Marie McCarthy, but you could call her Lexie :) I think this is practical and it still makes for a beautiful name!

    Good luck!


  23. like the others said why dont you use alexandra or alexis, marie is very common though.  

  24. Marie- Lexie

    I love Lexie but as a nickname for Alexandra so-

    Alexandra Marie McCarthy

    Alexandra McCarthy

    Alex/Alexa/Alexis Marie McCarthy

    Lexie Jane McCarthy

    Lexie Julia McCarthy  

  25. lexie could be a nickname for all these names:

















  26. Try a different middle name, Sometimes when you get names one right after the other that have the same letter it just sounds funny. You could try different forms of names that could get Lexie for a nickname like

    Alexia, Alexis, Alexandra, Alexandria, Or go with a different middle name

    Lexie Abigail McCarthy

    Lexie Taylor McCarthy

    Lexie Brianna McCarthy

    Lexie Amelia McCarthy

    Lexie Rose McCarthy

  27. I don't know whether this will help, but Lexie is really just one of the many diminutives or 'pet' names for Alexandra - like Liz or Lizzie or Beth or Bess or Lisa or Liza or Lilibet are for Elizabeth.

    Some of the many for Alexandra include Sandy, Alec, Alex, Sawnie, Al, Xandra etc., etc.

    If she is Alexandra Marie McCarthy, then at least you keep the options open - you can call her Lexie as a 'pet' name, but get to be very stern and say things like"ALEXANDRA MARIE McCARTHY come here this very minute" when she plays up, and in her early teens her friends can call her something cool like 'X'.

    I wouldn't try them the other way around: Marie-Alexandra sounds like a deposed Austro-Hungarian princess who was one of Queen Victoria's great-nieces.

  28. Lexie is a nickname, not a name, anyways.

    Alexandria Marie McCarthy, with the nickname Lexi would be better, and flow.

    Alexis is also a nickname, not a name.

  29. I think it sounds good together just like that - I def wouldn't suggest you changing Lexie & Marie around.

    Are you completely stuck on the middle name being Marie? If not, you can change that.

    But, again......I like it the way it is......Lexie Marie McCarthy

  30. Elizabeth Marie McCarthy

  31. Lexie is very nice but it just seems as though every baby girl born at the moment is called Lexie or Evie... Lexie derives from Alexandra which I really do not like.. if you are going to stick with it i would choose something like Lexi Jade although the name you have picked sounds nice also (bear in mind people do not use middle names when referring to children).

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