
The name of a play romantic tragic play?

by  |  earlier

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well i went to see this play when i was in the sixth grade, so the details are a little sctechy. the play opens up with this man in a local taver, they can over hear an opera singer next door, which the main character is currently in love with. though out the play the man tells a story from a book he carries around, about his three lost loves. one of them i can remmember was a mechanical doll, which later breakes to the dismay of the main character. the story ends with him being left alone in the bar after the opera singer leaves him for the bad guy, and his faithful friend also leaves him, and tells him he was a fool for having loved so many women, when she was there all along. does anyone know the name of the play? i remember that the play was in french. hope that helps.




  1. Sounds like the Offenbach opera called The Tales of Hoffman (it is in french)

    read that article's synopsis and see if thats what you were thinking of

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