
The national anthem?

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Do you think the Queen is sick to death of hearing it, and what would you suggest as an alternative for her Majesty ? The one that makes me laugh the most can have 10 points




  1. ihave always thought "WHY" god save the queen? i dont think she needs saving for anything, do you?? maybe it should be, god save the people!! there are far more people out here stuggling with life than what she is! the only time us "commoners" get to sit on the "throne" is when we go to the TOILET!! HAHA.

  2. "Always look on the bright side of life".

  3. I think "Always look on the bright side of life" by Monty Python would make a brilliant national anthem.  Can't you just imagine all the footie fans singing along at Wembley????

  4. flower  o  scotland

  5. The Archers theme was first proposed by Billy Connolly LONG before Stephen Fry was even considered amusing.

  6. Cut out any references to gods because there is little faith in that sort of thing these days..

    Cut out any references to monarchs because most of us prefer democracy.

    Have something that mentions the nation and the people.

    Change the awful tune.

  7. The theme tune to "One Foot In The Grave".

    Or possibly "The Archers" - no words, we la leh la leh la leh la the tune.

  8. how about Colonel Bogey as a replacement ?

  9. after this years summer how about Singing in the rain

  10. Well. it's been 'her song' for more than 55 years now, so if she's not fed up with it by now, she never will be.

    Anyway, at 81 years old, she must be due to drop off the twig before too long.

    I doubt she'll make it to the century like the late Queen Mum (everybody's favourite gran, but not mine!).

    If, by some miracle of modern science, she did make it to the 'ton' (thereby qualifying to send herself a telegram), Charlie Boy would be 78 by then, so he would hardly have enough time left to become sick of it.

    Meanwhile, is there anybody outside the Royal Family who is NOT heartily sick of it?

    The best suggestion for a replacement National Anthem that I have heard is the Archers' theme tune, put forward (I think) by Stephen Fry.

  11. God Save the Queen is meaningless to me as I'm an atheist AND a republican. A serious alternative is the first verse of I Vow to Thee My Country but, on the Archers theme how about The Great Escape, England fans know it and the Scots and Welsh could join in too. Come to think of it with no words anyone who hates the Germans could join in.. That's just about a new World Anthem then!

  12. God Save the Queen of course...

    Well okay - the s*x Pistols version

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