What part of these figures don't you understand??? Can we afford to be the worlds policeman or do we need to back up and again search for a way to share the load. Agreed terrorism needs to be fought but at what cost. Our arrogance has lead to the creation of the exact result Osama was looking for. The economic destabilization of the United States. The destruction of the Dollar as a world currency. The key was in the target... "The World "TRADE" center". He chose the target for a reason. Couple that with buzz words like deregulation, free trade, free market, outsourcing, no bid contracts and you can see the problem. Unbridled business has not benefited you and me. It's time to bring some sanity back,by reigning Business gone wild. Take the Fox out of the Hen house or life as we know it is doomed. Meanwhile, George W sits there and makes statement like "If I had a magic wand" and 'Fundamentals of our economy are strong' Now take a look at the debt again. It's all related.