
The neverending story?

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is the film "The neverending story" bassed on a book!?? if sodo you no where i could read it online?




  1. Yes the movie is based on a book. The author is Michael Ende. You can read an exerpt on or download onto a kindle but you should really buy the book or borrow it frim the library

  2. The Neverending Story was one of my favorite movies as a child.  I still have the videos!  Yes it is in fact a book.  Here is the website that is amazing and has all you need to know about the book and movies.

  3. Yes, the Neverending Story is based on a book by the same name by Michael Ende.  It was originally written in German.  It's a bit different from the movie, but it's really really good and the way it's written is interesting.  I don't think you can find it online for free, but try or  Or just go to your library and get the actual book.  i find that to be more rewarding anyway.

  4. There are ebooks available, but I'm not sure if this one is out yet...

    It is based on the book, which I liked but can't appreciate half as much as the movie because it was the movie I grew up on. The movie gets you about halfway through the book. It's still good though :)

  5. ask the pink dragon
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