
The new EYFS any ideas pre schoolers?

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We are trying like you all to get our heads round the new EYFS and just wondered if anyone has any paper work saving ideas for doing observations record keepin and planning promised my satff and they are so good i want to make their lives easier and spend more time with the kids




  1. Hi, yes I have had exactly the same conversation this week, I was hoping there might be some examples of paperwork on CD rom in the pack that you could download but haven't found any yet.  Did some training last year but that was a 'briefing' and nothing else seems to be around yet.  Time moving on tho' so need to get organised, think we all to need to talk to our county council to see what's what.  Knowing my luck OFSTED will turn up on the 1/9!

  2. I had the local EY support advisor come to see us-she showed us the mock up of the booklets...apparently it#ll be a lot less writing. You have a sheet for each child which says "interests" and then six areas of learning in boxes around it-you write what activities you will do over the next half term/term depending child to promote learning through their interest. Example I did was child's interest "my little ponies"...CD: Printing horse shoe prints, MD: Counting horses in the stables, KUW, caring for real horses (going to try to get a visit organised).

    You write notes daily and these are put in the childrens new booklet and shown to parents as usual. Thats where I advise you stop listening to me and speak to somewhere from your county council for more because I was a little confused too :)

    For now (until you have had paperwork training and till September) I would suggest just keep a notebook each and write small simple observations. These can then be transfered to the childrens achievement books without worrying about losing paper and filling out complicated paperwork. Also do you do the diary system? We write a bit about child day eg: an activity they have done and ask parent to comment on it, does child do this at home, how do they think we have extend this etc. This is the start of the parent partnership stuff we wll have to do!

    PS: One thing we do is have post it notes around the room, you cna easily grab one write a note for yourself or someone else and then you stick it up on the wall on designated pieces of paper...we have them up in role play, messy area, next to PC and near staff desk...then end of session we take them off and give to key persons.

  3. in my nursery the children have all about me books.  We put photos then written observation in them.  each month we write down targets for the children

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