
The new Montgomery GI bill, Im really confused by this. I was active 4 years honorbaly discharged in 2004...?

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and my gi bill money runs out in like 13 months, is this new GI Bill going to benefit me at all?





  1. If you served 4 years and honorably discharged, you have 10 years from the time of discharge to utilize your benefits. Why do you believe that you only have 13 months left? And yes, the new GI Bill will affect those that are already discharged from the military.

  2. It is unfortunate that they new benefits will not apply to people who are already using their benefits. You could always go back in!  

  3. According to this months VFW magazine.

    As long as you have not used all your GI Bill benefits, by august 1st 2009.

    You will receive some benefits from the new GI Bill.

    Basically, what would happen is:

    Your monthly GI Bill check starting in Aug 2009, would reflect the new GI BIll.

    So you would get a larger check for school, and you would receive the housing allowance.

    But your still only going to receive a total of 36 months of benefits.

    So at most, you might get one semester of the new benefits before you have used all your GI Bill benefits.

    There is no back pay.

    And any who enlisted after 9/11, who have already used all of their GI Bill benefits, will get no new benefits.

    You think its not fair, just go look at the VEAP educational GI Bill benefits that those who enlisted from 1980 to 1985 were stuck with.

    They were allowed $7,200 in benefits max,

    Even though those who enlisted in 1979 got $30,000 and those who enlisted in 1986, got the same GI Bill you are under.

  4. Sorry man, but since you already started using your benefits, this will not affect you. You would have been eligible, but since you will only have like 2 months remaining when the new GI bill goes into effect, you will not be able to use it.

  5. NO it is not...

    You are already using your GI Bill Education Benefits.

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