
The new VP candidate has a newborn (born April) so how does she care for her children while running a country?

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Family Values and all that jazz. Does daddy stay home?

I am ok with it as long we recognize it for what it is.




  1. not only that. they are already touting her as someone who fights big oil..but yet she heads the group that works with them not against them. she also just allowed a 27 million dollar much for working against big oil and looking for them alternatives her teams claims she's looking for. they also make point that she choose to have her down syndrome child..nice..but being as you can't have abortions past the time she found out..that point is irrelevant.

    the word play is already starting.

  2. She deals with it just like any other working mom. Somehow she was able to do a great job as a Governor.

    (Wow, it's 2008 and I can't believe this question was actually asked, lol!)

  3. Just like every other working woman in this country, she'll have help from your husband and good child care!!!  

    FYI: A woman staying home raising the children does not equal family values!  

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