
The new Yahoo TV listings do not work for me. Is there a way I can get my original settings back?

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The new Yahoo TV listings do not work for me. Is there a way I can get my original settings back?




  1. I have the same problem! What's going on Yahoo ??

  2. well first they screwed up the home page and now this, I know people who stopped using Yahoo altogether when they made us accept he new Home page and it never works right, you would think that if they depend on high numbers of users to charge advertising rates they would at least listen to us, but hey they did not listen to the feed back on the issues people had with the new home page and they probably do not care they think they are invincible,, but if enopugh people leave and start going to other sources the will lose advertising $$ then maybe they will care what we think>

  3. try to delete cookies

  4. I dont know if you can get yahoo TV back to the way it was but I definately would rather have the old version.

  5. TV-vtc1-vtv3

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