
The next train will arrive in a hour should i leave my brother tied 2 the train track or should i help him ? !

by  |  earlier

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The train arrives at 3:55 pm




  1. What are you talking about ?

    A person can't surely be tied to the rails, they would be killed.

  2. No leave him and video the moment of impact, then post on the net.

  3. leave him there  brothers are so annoying and it would be more quiet oh and by the way i know where you live

  4. why is your brother tied to the train track?

  5. leave him until the last second!

  6. Please remove him.We hate when we run over someone.It's messy and it upsets us.It makes us really late.Besides he's your brother you'd miss him! Hmmmm wait a second.I remember how my brothers treated me sometimes.Get him off the tracks.Then throw his azz off a bridge.

  7. leave him there and you will have a half brother so go and free him right now or when you mum finds out you will be tied to the track by your neck ?

  8. lol urmm yeah agree with first answer :) you cant let him be killed but you gotta do it so he thinks he is gunna get killed like when he can hear the train coming and the rail starts to shake lmao :| x*x

  9. leave him, you dont want to lose your spot in line

    someone else will surely come along and set him free

  10. Dear me, your brother is in a bit of a fix. Get down to the signal box quick and tell the person on duty that your brother is tied to the line.

    With a bit of luck the train will be diverted at the junction and brother will have the fright of his life but no harm done.

  11. If you hate him tie him if you don't want him 2 die and he is your brother then don't get him tied to a track i hate my brother

  12. They say in every situation there are three outcomes....Win, Tie, or Lose....Not with a train...The Tie always goes to the train.....

  13. you sure you are on the right track ,,,,

  14. you forgot freight trains  they could come at anytime

    remmber train time is *any* time

  15. at train track  it sinuses better than all the c**p that's on telly

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