
The no-ring engagement?

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I plan on popping the question not with a diamond ring but with a necklace (she doesnt already have one) with opal or sapphire. Am I going to get shot down in flames, will it not matter, or is it good that its different?




  1. If you are planning on getting her a ring eventually then it's fine but...........well, if she's a typical girl who watches movies and such, an engagement kinda requires a ring buddy

  2. Although I would NEVER be disappointed in any type (size, shape, cost) of an engagement ring, I would be really disappointed with a necklace.  It's a little "too different" in my opinion.

    One of the best parts of being engaged (besides the obvious getting to marry the person of your dreams) is showing off your ring.  Having strangers look at your left hand and just 'know' and getting to present your hand to excited friends and family.  

    The ring isn't necessary, but I think showing off a necklace would be really disappointing, more so than not having a ring.  It would just be something that needed explaining to everyone, girls shouldn't have to explain their engagement piece.

    UNLESS you future fiancee had expressed the desire for a 'no ring' engagement, stick with the classic finger-piece.

  3. Your plan is fine if you've got a special girl who's not traditional.  Otherwise, I'd plan on a somewhat more ordinary approach to an engagement.

  4. To avoid disappointment (for both of you) I would advise you to buy a ring.  When you are engaged you will want other guys to be able to tell she is off the market won't you?

    I'd say there would be a really good chance that she has an idea in mind of what she would like for an engagement ring even though you haven't popped the question yet - most girls would have already thought about this especially if they are fussy like me.

    Why not propose with a toy ring and choose a ring/necklace together later that way she will get exactly what she would like.

    nb. although opals are beautiful if you are superstitious they mean bad luck so maybe not the best choice for an engagement.  Love sapphires though nice idea.

    Good luck, hope she accepts.  You seem like a lovely guy to put so much thought into this.

  5. hey man dont do it, just wait until u can afford one.. or just go to a jewelry store they have rings for under 100 bucks and buy her one of those, it is better than nuthing.....

  6. erm, I dont think a necklace has quite the same meaning as a ring on your finger.

    By all means get the necklace for her but I would get a ring for the betrothal or you will probably have one upset fiancee on your hands, even though she will like the necklace she cant wrap it around her finger can she ?

    What would you get for a wedding ring the matching bracelet ?

    Some things you just cant change.

  7. Dumper he a** if she does not like what you give her.  

  8. It is ok to buck tradition - but you need to make sure that she will be accepting of your choice to not go the ring route. It would be terrible if she thought the necklace was a tease before receiving a ring! What about a ring set with an opal or sapphire? Good luck!

  9. Dude I think it totally depends on the girl. That's a cute different way to propose, but than you have to see it through her point of view as well. Since you are ready to take the plunge you should know her pretty well. Would she like the uniqueness or do you think she's more of a traditional type of gal?? Most girls would be ecstatic about the necklace, but for a proposal.......I would pass and save the necklace as a gift for later. But to add your own style in it you can propose with an opal or sapphire ring, it doesn't necessarily have to be a diamond. Good Luck.

  10. I don't understand why you want to get her a necklace instead. If it has to do with finances, you should propose with an opal or sapphire ring. Then, when you have saved up enough money to get her a real diamond sometime down the line, she can have her opal or sapphire ring made into a necklace and then she'll have TWO beautiful pieces of jewelry.

    But if it's not for finances, I don't get why you would do this, unless she specifically said she doesn't want a ring. But I'm guessing that's not it if you're asking us!

  11. the ring is sympolic...eternal...never love.

    if i were her id want it...when she tells people the first thing they ask is 2 c the ring  and id be embarrassed and  my partner was so cheap he didnt get me one!

    it wouldnt feel official without it

  12. Ooooh, that's tough.  If she likes non-traditional things like that, I'd say go for it.  However, if she's the kind of girl that really wants a ring, and will be heartbroken if you don't get her one... I'd steer clear of a necklace and get her a ring.  It all depends on what kind of woman your girlfriend is.  Good luck.

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