
The north and the peninsular east, wind and wave alert

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Temporary leading whipping from last week most of the peninsula no truce. The explosive cyclogenesis Stephanie, who arrived Sunday in the northwest collecting witness another deep storm, will cross the country from west to east and will have an impact.

The State Agency of Meteorology (Aemet), who had orange or yellow alert for snow, wind or high waves to all regions over the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, has lowered notices inside and south of the peninsula. The major risks are located in the north and east.

In the north, Galicia is on orange alert for coastal phenomena in A Coruña and Lugo, Pontevedra and yellow. However, Salvage resumed Monday finding young man who was swallowed by the sea while walking bike ride from Laredo on the beach A Rapadoira (Foz), on February 2, given that the last week bad weather and subsequent alerts advised against the departure of the vessels.

Cantabria and Asturias are on orange alert for snow and coastal phenomena. In the Basque Country for this alert notice the yellow snow adds in the three provinces. La Rioja and Navarra, orange alert this morning, are now at yellow alert for winds and snowfall.

Snow affects particularly hard Huesca (Aragon) where orange alert for snow in the Huesca Pyrenees. Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza are orange ad gusting winds and Zaragoza yellow alert remains snow.

The strong gusts put on orange alert to all provinces of Catalonia and yellow for coastal phenomena. The Catalan government has decided to suspend extracurricular activities outside this afternoon because of high winds expected and to avoid risks to children who perform them. In Lleida is on yellow alert for snow in the Pyrenees.

In the Valencian Community, the Ministry of the Interior has declared a Level 3 preemergence maximum risk of forest fires, throughout the Community, as winds that can reach 90 miles per hour, as reported by the Government expected. Meanwhile, Murcia continues orange alert for wind.

In Andalusia, in the provinces of AlmerÃ_a, Cádiz, Granada, Cordoba, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Seville orange ad had adverse winds or coastal phenomena. The City of Seville registered 171 incidents from Sunday until Monday morning. In Granada and Jaén were also orange alert for snow with an accumulation of 5 inches thick.

The Transport Consortium Cadiz Bay has suspended this morning catamaran ferry connections by lines joining in Cadiz and El Puerto de Santa Maria and Rota in connecting the provincial capital. Most of the fishing fleet in the province of Cadiz has not come out to fish, according to Europa Press sources.

Cadiz ports of Algeciras and Tarifa were closed because of the storm from 21:00 hours on Sunday until Monday morning. The fast ships of the three shipping lines operating between ports of Ceuta and Algeciras (Cádiz) this afternoon resumed their services to lower the strength of westerly winds that reached gusts to near 80 mph.

The interior of the peninsula - Castilla La- Mancha, Castilla y LeÃ_n and Extremadura - is now without special notice, except areas of Burgos, Soria and ÃÅvila which is on yellow alert for winds and snowfall, Guadalajara, Cuenca, Albacete Ciudad Real and also in yellow by winds.

In Madrid, has lowered the Aemet orange alert maximum gusts of 100 kilometers per hour. The wind knocked down early Monday in an ornamental steel obelisk about 45 feet long and 30 to 40 tons Avenue located in Vallecas, at the height of the M -45, causing no casualties, according Emergency Madrid.

Out of the peninsula, the Aemet removed warnings for Ceuta, Melilla Matiena while the yellow alert for wind and coastal phenomena. In the Canary Islands, Lanzarote and Las Palmas only have yellow ad surf.

 Tags: alert, East, North, peninsular, wave, wind


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